The Professor Suddenly Starts Acting Weirdly During Class And Seconds Later Turns Into a Monster

A young man with anger issues tries to finish high school only to have his studies interrupted when the teacher becomes an ancient monster that devours his students.

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33 thoughts on “The Professor Suddenly Starts Acting Weirdly During Class And Seconds Later Turns Into a Monster”

  1. Her: I want to break up
    Him: I completely agree
    Her: You asshole!!

    I swear to fucking God we need a remote island where these types of women can be shipped to. Send them a good supply of cats, cat food, ice cream, boxed wine, and copies of Friends. Just keep them faaar away from the general public

  2. Huh? I was just thinking about this movie along with John Dies at the End and We Kill Monsters in the "incompetent slacker discovers they're really good at fighting supernatural things" genre.


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