The Power That Will Change One Piece Forever! (Chapter 1092)

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36 thoughts on “The Power That Will Change One Piece Forever! (Chapter 1092)”

  1. Waking up to attack luffy. It sensed jow boys presence. So as this confuses them the straw hats can escape. Saturn says it's okay because they have the giant robot…. that or robot helps them escape cause it's jotboys toy

  2. I think, kizaru will NOT be a problem for luffy
    Kizaru did NOT defeat Luffy G4 snakeman
    This luffy did NOT use his Conqueror's haki nor his advence armement haki
    This kizaru attacked from several kilomètres, and he just puched luffy outside of the dome, and he did NOT, damaged luffy at all, the barrier did

    Ps: Akainu couldn't kill kuma
    And Aramaki couldn't even beat MORLAY IN THE REVERIE

    Overall, admirals are overrated, kizaru is not a threat to the straw-hate Monster trio

    Aka, luffy zoro and sanji.

  3. I think it's very good that you speak more slowly again in your videos. I had noticed in a comment a few months ago that you speak faster and more hyped; speaking more slowly makes listening much more pleasant! After all, it's not a short 😛

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Between egghead and enels cover story, I'm starting to think if not all devil fruits, the pure elemental ones at least were used to power ancient technology or that tech was designed around them

  5. What if the ancient robot is made of a sea prism stone like material. Interesting food for though considering Dr Vega Punk, is geting most of his tech from acient kingdom stuff, and he is the one that came up with the sea prism stone on the bottom of the marine ships.

  6. I believe akinu will turn against the government, his total jist is total absolute justice, and if he so follows then he'll fight for what is "truly" right in his eyes, and I don't think being a government puppet would fit that criteria

  7. so a fun idea for why Kuma had to climb the red line (not my idea) is that he wasn't going to the red line in the first place. His powers made him smash into it because it can't go high enough. Then he has to physically climb the wall to use his power again and continue flying. He might have went from grand line to new world, probs to egghead

  8. umm, this is just a theory, as you know that every devil fruit has a will, and when roger became the pirateking there was no gomu gomu no fruit user, or well hito hito nomi model nika, so i think the fruit must have grown in a tree(maybe the mythical tree as one said in one piece) in laughtale and roger after knowing the history ate the fruit which only he and his crew knew about. so when he was executed his fruit was unknown to the world government and he body was preserved in a secret area and after a couple of years later at that place only the fruit grew and then cipher pol was sent to get it but as shanks knew about that this fruit was eaten by roger, then he stole it. Hence the story starts and the will of roger was also passed down with the fruit to luffy

  9. Wel here is a theory that i gave being thinking shanks only wants to go to laugh tale now because what ever the one piece is can only be activated by the drums of liberation 🥁. That being said i also know that shanks is devil-fruitless sooo what if maybe inside the one piece there is a OP devil fruit that can only be unlocked by luffy. So maybe shanks is going to wait for luffy on laugh tale to fight him and force gear 5 to unlocked said treasure.

  10. Maybe Toki sent the robot for the future Joyboy for when he returned to assist with his mission which they failed with in the void century, and realising the failure, Toki sent the robot to the future, Lilith the poneglyphs around the world

    Why else would Toki have jumped to Wano of all places, where we know there is an ancient weapon… coincidence?


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