The power of Semen Retention @Broly Gainz @Goku Pump

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Born and raised in bed stuy brooklyn parents from Jamaica. I have been working out for 2 years consistently. My first year was weighted training until i injured myself and then was forced to do Calisthenics. Wanting to further my fitness journery. I have fell in love with Calisthenics not only did i gain alot more strength and abilities but i was able to heal myself through Calisthenics. Im a very Focused person when it comes to working out but i want to spread the love. Hit me for training
only serious inquiries!!!!!

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48 thoughts on “The power of Semen Retention @Broly Gainz @Goku Pump”

  1. George Washington Carver is the best example of this. For those that don’t know he was castrated because the pale men found out their daughters were attracted to him so, as a child he was mutulated. The morbid act caused him to tap into the Creative force of will, & he became known for more than the possibilities of a peanut…He tried his best to hide his pain…

  2. This is hella gay. Just use a girl to retain your semen. And scientifically it's proven that testosterone doesn't change from nutting. Just stop being geeks and looking at semen retention videos.

    Trust me, if you're life is not going well, this is not the solution…

  3. Just wanna say when u go on semen rentiton and start having wet dreams this is when you will need to seek jesus out in prayer and fasting. I used to be heavy in porn. I quit and would start getting wet dreams like crazy. You going to have to break and renounce, covenants you made with sexual demons through porn. a lot of men's destinies are trapped due to the bondage of porn and demonic covenants. Jesus christ will help you and free you. Alexander pagani is a great start on youtube, he talks about deliverance from this, the realist pastor out their dude doesn't hide anything about his past and what he did behind closed doors when he was a pastor. God set him free and teaches on freedom in christ. Also Ejay Madden a youtuber is a bodybuilder that talks about semen rentiton as well Hes also in ministry.

  4. Wowwwwwww!!!! I could write a complete dissertation about how inspiring this was!!!! As a black woman AND mother to a black son, I am speechless and completely inspired by Broly and his bro's!!!! You guys are like the next New Edition!!!!😁😆 Just shared this with my husband!!! THANK YOU!!!❤

  5. Please can someone explain to me how semen retention brings you closer to God when God in the name is creation. God put us here to "procreate" did he not? Mind you all before bashing my comment, I frequently fast from sex for 1 – 2 weeks but niggas talking months without screwing ??? nah.

  6. This is something that young men (black men especially) need to know about. So much emphasis is put on chasing ass as a young man that i believe that it programs us to be hyper-sexual which bleeds into every facet of our daily lives and also contributes to us acting with our emotions instead of rationally. Late teens and the early/mid twenties are meant for young men to build and while I turned out ok I spent most of that time trying to build with a woman instead of focusing on my goals. Keep spreading the word yall.


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