The Postmortem Show: Where the 49ers Go From Here

Grant Cohn and Ryan Hensley discuss where the San Francisco 49ers go from here after losing in the NFC Championship for the second season in a row.


42 thoughts on “The Postmortem Show: Where the 49ers Go From Here”

  1. Will be an interesting off season. Purdy has a six month rehab. Trey and Brock will battle this summer for the starting gig. Hope we can sign and draft some offensive lineman and corners this summer.

  2. An absolute disaster and debacle. I said it when Jimmy got hurt, and I'll say it again. Josh Johnson is NOT an NFL QB, and had no business being on this roster simply because Kyle "trusts" him. Enough of these washed up, has been, never was players that Kyle "trusts". There were PLENTY of better options out there tho back up Brock than Josh Johnson, period. We also said the offensive line needed to be addressed…we were right about that too. This is all on Kyle and John.

  3. There's a lot of Cope being smoked by these two with plenty of platitudes to munch on. It wasn't the offensive line that got Purdy hurt, it was the blocking scheme that took the tackle off the block. I'd say half the pressure on our QBs is generated by Kyle's questionable cutsey schemes that ignore match-ups. You can't translate the pressure they put on JJ to Purdy because they knew JJ wasn't a QB and couldn't throw. Yes, the 49ers could have easily beat the Eagles who looked slower than the Cowboys in the first half. You can take everything that happened from 1:39 seconds in the half and beyond and toss it out. None of that matters to the future of this franchise. QB1 was hurt and it cost us the game and a chance at a ring. The window is burning up and we wasted another year. Feel the pain. If I'm Lynch I am tired of paying the hospital bills of all my skill players and have a long hard talk with Kyle about hiring an offensive coordinator who cares about protecting his players more than his menagerie of a system.

  4. What irks me is, all of the so-called 9ers fans that are turning on Brock and questioning his toughness when he has played better than any QB 9ers had in an eight game span since Young. Purdy proved he's better than Jimmy – especially in the playoffs. Purdy played so well people forgot he was a rookie playing in his first NFCCG against immeasurable odds. Kyle is correct, Purdy should have stepped up albeit that is the expectation of a seasoned vet with pocket presence – not a rookie. That's Kyle not understanding matchups and personnel (situational football). Kyle is playing madden with real life players and getting them killed. On madden you can turn off injuries and stamina, in real life you can't. In madden, you can play positionless football without consequence; in real life, not so much. I extrapolate Brady wouldn't have gotten injured on that play Brock got hit because Brady would've stepped up or recognized the right read quicker. Again, that's on Kyle for not understanding the circumstances, player ability (personnel), and having unreasonable expectations. Kyle is horrible at situational football. 9ers will continue to struggle until Kyle figures it out, or they get a coach or superstar player that is a leader of men. I still think Harbaugh is a better coach in that respect. I was so proud when Harbaugh was the coach. Everyone came to work with their blue collar shirts and name tags on. Everyone bought into "you're either getting better or worse – nothing stays the same" and "whos got it better than us" plight. Players got burned out by Harbaugh's intensity and excessive ways eventually. Nevertheless, I take Harbaugh over Kyle anyday – especially with Purdy and Lance at the helm. You see how Harbaugh had Kap and A. Smith playing. Kyle is abusive to his QBs. Kyle needs an established veteran QB who needs little or no tutelage. He struggles with players that need development, which makes the Trey Lance selection even more confusing. I am still flummoxed… Not by Kyle though. Kyle gonna Kyle. Lynch needs to take action. He let Kyle slide in the SB when he tucked his tail before halftime; he let Kyle slide after he used their first three picks as a crash dummy; he let Kyle slide when he let him get his player Josh Johnson instead of a serviceable backup like Cam Newton maybe. Heck even Kap over Josh Johnson and that's not saying a lot. At some point, John Lynch is going to have to take the reigns and autonomy away from Kyle and start GMing. You can't be a slave to two masters. Either you're Kyle's friend or Kyle's Boss and team GM. I hope Lynch steps up. Nevertheless, I wouldn't be surprised if he bailed lol.

  5. I miss Eddie D. Eddie NEVER settled. He would do whatever it takes to get over the hump. You always need elite QB to win Super Bowls. Young and Montana were elite. 49ers have not won a Super Bowl since they both retired.

  6. What pisses me off about Kyle, is that he is so scared to play rookies because he thinks they will make a mistake. But he’s the one who coaches and makes rookie mistakes in the big game. Time after time.. he is always making mistakes. Not challenging the Smith catch cost us 7 pts. Having Tyler Kroft(who was inactive vs Dallas) all of a sudden playing in the NFC championship and blocking their All-Pro pass rusher on Purdys blindside. Great coaching 👌 . Jordan Mason and Drake Jackson have made plays all year, and Kyle acts like they will freeze up come playoff time. We got a soft head coach.

  7. U can't seriously tell me u came out of that game yesterday thinking philly was better than the 9ers we shut them down just couldn't produce any offense with no qb for 3 qtrs josh Johnson was not prepared to play 😴

  8. Kyle Shannahan has to take responsibility and take charge. 49ers media or anybody including you should flood and over kill the 49er mainstream and media with this message because if not all they'll ever be are losers! Bcuz, if they can't win the big one next year, when will they ever You're right, keep knocking on John lynch's door too. Like you said, perhaps he , he is the one that needs to set the tone! Do it now. Because I don't think Shannahan has the balls to doit. I know bill Walsh would. Eddie debartolo would. Not jed York.

  9. Shamahan is….limited.
    He's a very good offensive coordinator……in the second half..
    Let's face it……..he's Mr. Irrelevant Crayon Coach.
    Three niner chances lost,and one in Atlanta.
    Wake up, bean counters from ohio…..

  10. I really dislike the take about Kroft blocking Reddick. Its way more nuanced than simply "shanahan had kroft on reddick" The play call isnt going to account for where d-lineman line up. Purdy has to see it and make a pre-play adjustment, if he doesnt he has to step up feeling that pressure from the side. Kroft is a professional football player in a big time situation, he has to be better there his ownself. I have my complaints about everything, but this isnt a hill to die on imo.


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