The Politics of Climate Change

Americans were sold an Inflation Reduction Act that was in reality a climate change bill, and the White House is rolling out a new website,, for consumers to take advantage of the law’s new tax credits. Who are the winners and losers in climate change politics, and how much is it costing the U.S. economy?

Join us as authors Jerome Corsi and Marc Morano discuss the real costs of climate change politics with Heritage’s Diana Furchtgott-Roth.

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22 thoughts on “The Politics of Climate Change”

  1. Climate change is a Grift Climate Has been changing since the beginning of time and will continue to change . HURRICANES BLIZZARDS, EARTHQUAKES, TORNADOES, TYPHOONS. ECETRA WILL FOREVER EXSIST NO MATTER HOW MANY CLIMATE ACTIVISTS ONE THROWS AT THE MATTER

  2. You almost need a good team of 30 people ( so they can protect each other ). You Need Boots on the ground, to film,or picture , like Glaciers size. Or see how many bears..But someone at a computer ??? They have junk on the tube itself .. An emitions , Plants Live On, carbon dioxide ..Not all Books ,,, Boots !

  3. If ANY normal person believes this BS. They deserve what's coming to THEM. Only one problem, THEY destroying US the normal people whith them. Teen kids are dictating our ENERGY policy. We lost our minds to let the idiots run the normal people.

  4. The checkmate move on climate alarmists is to solve the problem.
    Liberals owned economics until Republicans adopted supply side economic policies. For most of the last 40 years, Republicans have dominated economic issues. We can do the same for ecological issues.

  5. Everyone needs to understand that kovid was an intentional move by these people. They didn't simply seize an opportunity.

    Just a small part of their diabolical scheme. Also, ask yourself who brought communism to both Russia and China? Why does this small group wield the most power in the world? And why that power supports marxism so much. It all comes full circle.
    There is an active agenda to bring a diabolical order to the world because these people think we are nothing more than cattle.

  6. If there was any REAL danger from 'Climate Change', then why would Obama buy Beach Front Property?
    Before they advertised it as 'Climate Change' it was 'Global Warming'. Before that is was 'Climate Cooling' (early 1970's).

  7. Well you had my attention until the first guy started talking about "millions of years" which means he is an evolutionist. He may have plenty of good things to say, and I may agree with him on the fake climate scare, but being an evolutionist
    is a fundamental flaw, in my opinion.


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