The Perfect Match 2022 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2022 | Based on a True Story

The Perfect Match 2022 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2022 | Based on a True Story


11 thoughts on “The Perfect Match 2022 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2022 | Based on a True Story”

  1. When friend of mother in the cafe mentioned black market for organs with smirk and joking manner I want to switch off this flick and smash device, how da funk can you make laughing matter from absolute horrors going on ( abducting ppl , selling babies etc for organ harvesting is no f* joke)

  2. 43:00 His behavior from this point on is creepy af. It certainly makes me wonder if this whole thing is just a way to manipulate her when she is feeling empathy for his loss and gratitude for saving her son and is vulnerable herself. Was he trying to get into her pants? Was he trying to get her to fall in love with him? Is he a psychopath pretending to be a saint? I know that scene may have been intentionally misleading to throw suspicion on him and it worked for me! His rapid transitions through various emotions here just set off alarms in my head.

  3. 49:31 God, woman, f this guy! He's a creeper. What makes you think he'll really go through with the liver donation? There is no way in HELL that I would let him order me around like that, or go to his home alone, much less DRINK anything he offered me! (I keep thinking of Jeffrey Dahmer & Bill Cosby.) Yet she is deciding to put out for him?! Look for another donor! Post an appeal on social media! Any creep who manipulates you into bed to save your son is NOT A GOOD PERSON! You can't help your son if you're DEAD!! Or if you're the victim of a crime and in the hospital yourself!

  4. 49:30 He is shady af. Why does she trust him? The creepy "music" (more like weird noises) they use during his scenes is great. It's ominous. They even continued it after he left the shop. And it WAS an ultimatum. The mother is going to drive me insane. If this guy is as psychotic as he seems, and he kills you, what's going to happen to your son? You WILL let Ian die b/c of your poor judgement. The actor is great, too. The only actor on a TV movie that has been better at portraying a psychotic man was Michael Ontkeen in a movie where he played Valerie Bertinelli's sister's abusive husband who ends up killing his wife. He made my skin crawl.

  5. And why the hell do people do things like stand OUTSIDE his place talking, where they might be heard (did you guys really need to see him to know he was listening?)? Get her IN the car and start down the road and THEN talk to her. That woman is right. He's probably dangerous. For all we know, they probably endangered that woman's life by letting him hear, "He's done this before." Get AWAY from the threat before you start talking or taking some action. Don't hang around where he is! You're supposed to be going to the hospital for an emergency! ACT LIKE IT! [ETA: OMG, I was RIGHT about Casey! Does that mother not have ANY intuition or instinct to know that something is VERY wrong?! Even her son knows something is wrong with him. And why doesn't the best friend go to the police & tell them everything she knows (before he kills HER the way he did the other woman, because he doesn't want any witnesses that are aware of what he's doing!]

  6. After watching this psvho guy don't wanna transplant and not gonna donor

    True story could have been made sensible instead of including the stupidity
    The ending phrase being the best part of this movie for me bc it was a truthful statement


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