The Pale Beyond Official Launch Trailer

🐧Wishlist today
A polar exploration narrative game where your Captain goes missing and it’s up to you to safely bring your crew home. Can you make the hard calls and head in the only direction you can – into The Pale Beyond?


34 thoughts on “The Pale Beyond Official Launch Trailer”

  1. I know this is going to be a mostly grounded and realistic take on survival on the elements, but with how much Bellular loves “old god” themes I keep expecting this to get supernatural 😂

  2. Fuck yeah guys!!!! It looks fkn insanely awesome! I can’t wait to give it a shot!

    If you guys want a fair review done by someone who really actually gives a shit about the gaming industry and where it’s heading, have a look at “Worth a Buy” Mack will give it a good hard crack and an honest review (he’s not a ‘yes’ man). However if it’s shit, (which I highly doubt) he will let you know!

    Either way! Well done guys, so hyped to see the trailer! 😀

  3. I'm incredibly proud of seeing how far your team has come! Been following your progress for years. I'm looking forward to playing it on the 24th of February. Now I just gotta go play that sweet demo…

  4. Just mainlined the demo in one go. Holy hell man, this shit is compelling! At first I wanted to put it down thinking it wasn't at all my cup of tea gameplay wise but I couldn't stop. I just kept going and wanting more story, more choices, more music, more everything! Not that there wasn't enough, it was just so good that I need more right now. Looking forward to the release and getting a chance to remake at least a few decisions. I've got screenshots a plenty from various glitches/bugs but not sure where to send them.

  5. Can’t wait to try something made by a wow, and Starcraft player. Imagine if you hadn’t got that letter tell you to stop working on the wow voice acting add on. You could of focused all your effort on that and it would of taken away from this new experience for gamers to enjoy. I hope there are easter eggs. Maybe a perfect ending achievement? This games been a long time in the making.


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