The Pack Helping Cruiser #dingo | Weekend Moments

Here’s just a few moments from our weekend. It was a very warm weekend. We worked but also had a restful weekend after such a big week last week. Saturday in the middle of the day, we all just stayed in the air conditioning. The doggies love day naps inside all together.

Luke spent quite a bit of time with Cruiser. Helping him settle in. He was so scared. Luke knew he had to fast track a little so that Cruiser could join the pack so they could help him.

We haven’t talked much about Cruiser yet and his story. We will, we’ve just been busy catching up. Whilst he is a Dingo, he’s a rescue, who needed a special home … and this pack of dogs, animals, some are like Cruiser they didn’t fit anywhere either. They understand what it’s like and warmly welcome Cruiser to the farm.


25 thoughts on “The Pack Helping Cruiser #dingo | Weekend Moments”

  1. Lilly sounds like my old girl in the morning when her brothers tries to lick her ears 😂Cruiser did so well ❤do you have to have a license to have a Dingo as a pet ? from uk so unsure x Abra …i will stay near you Rover as kitty rose looks tough 😂Children growing up so fast ❤thanks for sharing

  2. It’s so sweet, Hope and either tank or chopper go in and try to make it all OK! I can’t believe those 2 boys weren’t adopted but in all honesty I am so glad they are staying with you! Hope is really coming into her own!🐾💕💕🐾

  3. I am just floored with Cruiser and how Luke knows what a dog is thinking and feeling. So impressive!! I am seeing more and more why Abra is a landshark!! Cutie Pie is going to eat her up if she doesn't get her act together!! I do believe that Kitty Rose intimidates all the dogs….Rover so wants to play with her!! It is funny to watch!! The journeys for Abra and Cruiser are just beginning and I cannot wait to watch this one unfold!!

  4. Cruiser is a beautiful animal. I probably missed this information, but why was he not released into the wild ? Was he too domesticated?
    It will be very interesting watching this usually wild animal at the farm.

  5. Of course Miss "Danger" Violet is the first to stick her nose in the crack of the door toward Cruiser. Bless her soul! All eyes were on Luke waiting for their cues. Cruiser is doing so well so quickly. What a great video of the whole family.

  6. Cruiser is an absolute BEAUTY!!! That being said, so is a lion. Doesn’t make him a a good house cat. If you see a single solitary baby animal or bird in the wild and no mother turns up after many hours of distant observation, CALL WILDLIFE SERVICE!!! Don’t understand people’s desire to make any baby animal found in the wild a good pet…🤦🏻

  7. I am a little confused. I thought dingos are wild animals, like coyotes.
    Is it legal to keep them as pets? Is that why he had to be removed from a house?
    If so, why a dog rescue instead of a wild animal rescue?
    It is amazing to see such close-up footage. Cruiser is beautiful.

  8. can you incorporate aday where dogs that need sociaalisation could come but the pack would need to charge for their teaching not talking about aggressive but lot live in iso and dont get out because they take fright or the owners do just thinking may be way that the pack could start earning some money by been wonderful teachers they would be the ones charging afee not you

  9. Thank you for this. I am one who knew absolutely nothing about Dingos. My first impression was “whoa, those teeth are scary”. But cruiser is beautiful and to see him interact with the pack was beautiful. I look forward to learning more about them! He looks like he’s part fox, with his ears and tail.

  10. Good morning looks like Cruiser will be ok don’t know anything about Dingos love seeing the pack inside Hope an Lily precious Hope wants to be close to mum all the time Abra not sure of Rosie yet

  11. Cruiser is beautiful! Lovely colouring and a handsome face. And his tail. So good to see it go from between his legs to up and happy. Thank you Luke for your patience with Cruiser. Oh and such admiration for Luke. Whilst watching Cruiser, Luke has eyes in the back of his head, correcting Abra. Wow!

  12. I am very sad and upset that the explanation of cruiser the dingo is reserved for only those who pay to watch. I think your work is absolutely commendable and have enjoyed your videos for years.
    My income allows me to help people in need closer to home.
    I saw the dingo on the bus on Luke's return home. The next video I saw was cruiser getting acquainted with the pack.
    I am wondering why cruiser is not in the wild where you should be. It upsets me that I would need to pay to find out that information. So very sad!

  13. Tank telling off Abra made me giggle. She is a little stinker! Freddo bringing the frisbee to Wolfie and waiting for him to throw it 🤣🤣 So proud of the pack and how they are helping Cruiser see that The Farm is a great place to be! Cannot wait to watch his journey! I loved when Luke talked about the respect and appreciation he has for his country when referring to Cruiser. Both he and Sam are setting such a wonderful example and being the best role models for their kids. So impressed. Aww Wolfie- I love your doggy impersonation! Tank had to come check on his bestie!
    And I think it's hilarious that Sam put Wolfie in a wetsuit, knowing he is going to get himself soaked with the hose! Great video!!!


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