The Origin & Illegitimacy Of A People Called "Jews"!

Greetings and welcome to our Sunday Online NJIA Fellowship of The Afrikan Village & Cultural Center. Our prayer is that your life will be enhanced and empowered by your presence with us today. Now, prepare to receive the TRUTH from our Spiritual Leader & Teacher, Dr. Ray Hagins.


41 thoughts on “The Origin & Illegitimacy Of A People Called "Jews"!”

  1. WOW! Dr Ray Hagins you really made my heart glad today. This is the most Powerful and Truthful Sermon I have ever heard in all my life.

    I innerstand the depth of your research. Because am a Theology Major myself. But when I graduated in 2015 I realized the depth of lies the world is subjected to through Religion.

    To console myself I wrote:
    "Religion is the devil's tool to keep the human race out of the Kingdom of God because it gives them a false sense of salvation."
    And I completely severed myself from religion.

  2. Dr. Ray this is truly a new era of enlightenment you see more and more people are waking up and can’t deny the truth I listen to for the first time 10 years ago.

  3. This man is a false prophet and a fool. He's a racist preaching a false doctrine. Not only that, his "scholarship" is anything but. There is no God consciousness that elevates the sun as life giving. That is nothing more than idol worship. His historical "facts" are not facts. The Khazar theory is as tired and debunked as any lie in this world can get. We are warned that in these last days that false prophets speaking great blasphemy would appear. So many of these claims are so insane, you have to be truly unstudied and incredibly gullible to fall for this man's racist revisionist history. This man is filled with hatred and a demonic spirit of deception. As an academic, he would get ate up by real historians but I guarantee you that he won't engage with any. If his root claims are true then the gospel of Yeshua bin David, His death and resurrection is not true because the bloodline he came through did not exist. The man's stupid lies and obvious racism is staggering. You would do well to steer clear of this man. Just listen to the way he talks about other human beings. Anyone should be able to tell that there is no light in him.

  4. Brother I know this is a very sensitive topic but I will request you that you explain to us spiritually what is happening in this Ukraine issue because it looks like something big is or about to happen get us ready.

  5. Thanks to you Dr Ray. You've moved me on to another level & I give thanks to the Most High. You are in my conscience when I commune with my Creators = the Energy, the Universe, the Spirit & my Ancestors, and I give thanks for you, my teacher. I've spread your name & work as far & wide as I can. If there are prophets, you're one, but I know you're my messenger. Many have had your videos sent to them, & I know they've kept & shared them. I just kept a low profile & give thanks for you & unto you. Over the years ,I've asked many questions I could only come up with some of the answers, now, most of the answers are in my thoughts & consciousness. Most often my wife would asked, " heck, you 've been asking these questions & this man is giving the said answers. She now have a greater overstandings of what I'm about & so-called history. My grand-sons, but most of all the 8-year-old is so versed on you, its unreal. All who knows him asked about him & his wisdom. There are much, much, much more to say, but my Yashua, which is my grandmother always say to me, boy, "MUM YOUR WORDS" meaning, not everything you think you talk….ASE…MA'AT HOTEP.

  6. God created white people to show that other blacks was thinking and getting ready to go contrary,, now some white people are good that expose the bad energy to spot in black people, since I guess some blacks in the past wasn't fully spiritual like other black people… etc

  7. The Kahzar myth has been thoroughly discredited by two peer reviewed genetic analysis which have proven unequivocally that Ashkanaz Jews originated from the Levant. But ignorant people still believe this nonsense.

  8. U be a fool think God loves us different according to our skin color. Does not matter if whites come from caves, Arabi comes desert, blacks came from a monkey. God created one human race!! Being a jew nothing do w race, COVENANT!! U say Bible false, why people get Baptism in Name of Jesus, n people speaking in tongues is FACT!! MIC DROP!!

  9. I watched that video ages ago and learned that word “eponymous” I actually emailed Ray Hagins a few months ago to remind me that word, Ray if you read this comment, say “ashe!”

  10. Dr. Hagins! Thank you so very much, for reposting this! I have searched high and low, to find it, and had given up! I had it saved many years ago, but YouTube deleted my account many times! I am SOOOO thankful for this information!

  11. Hid in the book

    Acts 13:1
    13 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain Yahu∆im.elect (prophets) and teachers; as Barnabas, and Shem'on {Simeon 🐵😔} that was called Niger/Negro/Necro = Dead 👀😢🧐 and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul

    YashaYahu 51, Acts 7:6-7

    Wisdom of Solomon 5:1–5 KJV Apoc
    1 Then shall the righteous man stand in great boldness before the face of such as have afflicted him, and made no account of his labours. 2 When they see it, they shall be troubled with terrible fear, and shall be amazed at the strangeness of his salvation, so far beyond all that they looked for. 3 And they repenting and groaning for anguish of spirit shall say within themselves, This was he, whom we had sometimes in derision, and a proverb of reproach: 4 We fools accounted his life madness, and his end to be without honour: 5 How is he numbered among the children of YaHU'aH AllahAYnu, and his lot is among the Yahu∆im elect!

  12. Any black man which is all that be cow are scared of they will portray them as a mad man because he talks against their 🐖white 💩💩💩💩💩supremacy💩💩💩💩💩 privilege💩💩💩💩💩💩💯💩💯💩💯💩💯💩💯💩💯💯💩💯🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿💯🖕🏿💯🖕🏿💯🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿


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