The Open World Is Not Enough (The Jimquisition)

Elden Ring has demonstrated that open worlds don’t have to be the sprawling, vapid, alleged sandboxes that have dominated “AAA” games. After playing something so rich, the average open world just doesn’t cut it anymore.

#EldenRing #HorizonForbiddenWest #OpenWorld #Ubisoft #FarCry #AssassinsCreed #PS5 #Xbox #PC #GameDesign #JimSterling #Jimquisition #JamesStephanieSterling
Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon –
Nathan Hanover –


44 thoughts on “The Open World Is Not Enough (The Jimquisition)”

  1. Loved the commentary, but literally everything you complained about in other games are my complaints on Elden Ring. And that doesn't even touch the massive issues like disappearing save data.

  2. More death actually. Lousing PC mechanics. In the start area you have a red hunter thats suppose to help you kill the other red hunter…HE Doesn't help, gets their as you are dying…LAME.

  3. I don't get it. I really don't. I admit it, I'm not a dark souls fan so perhaps this isn't for me, but I've been watching people play elden ring (can we talk about what a stupid name that is?) and all I can think of is it looks exactly the same as dark souls. They talk about how amazing the open world is but from a casual observer it looks exactly the same. But with an open world.

    I'm as familiar as anyone with the standard tropes of the open world. But as far as I can tell this open world only has enemies, weird bosses, and npcs. It seems to have less variety. I've seen people play it while praising how big it is and how much variety it has, but still all they do is fight normal characters or bosses or travel on horseback until they find one of the previous two things. I feel as though I've gotten bored with open world games with more variety than this one has.

    I guess what I'm saying is I feel like the pod people have arrived. Here I am watching a video about how much better it is and all I can think is that everything I've ever seen about it looks inferior to even the most mundane open world game I've ever played.

  4. Open worlds are great. Sandboxes aren't. There is a difference. An open world has a history, sense or feeling of actual life existing within it. Things aren't handed to you, objectives aren't handily marked, it is quite literally a world, and it feels good to be there. Ubi games, Horizon, etc, are sandboxes in a direct sense. Their games don't make you feel as if you are in a different time or a different land. They don't immerse you or ask you to learn the world you are in to understand your objective. They are an empty child's sandbox, with tools for you to play with, marked directly with daddy publisher's directions to make the "perfect sandcastle".

  5. On top of Elden Ring's success, you now have Guerilla and Ubisoft devs shitting on Elden Ring in jealousy because nobody is interested in their prepackaged open worlds anymore

  6. The exploration in Elden Ring reminds me a lot of Breath of the Wild. I think the sort of pick a direction and walk dna that they both share is really enjoyable.

  7. love ya steph, and there is no truer gamer then you, you've made a living playing all manner of shit just for our entertainment because it sure as fuck wasn't for your own enjoyment, never a truer gamer hath lived then thou, my friend.

  8. Ubisoft games haven't been appealing to me since black flag. They are all the same game. Elden ring feels like the game to end all games. I'm still playing it every waking moment I have available and I'm nowhere near the damn end!

  9. I've been watching hololive vtubers play, and every single one has had a distinctly different adventure just by going off in different directions. One got stuck on Margit for a while (she beat 'em yesterday), one attacked the very first NPC you really talk to for calling her maidenless and that was a whole thing, one went to the swamp/coastline and found a cave/quest/boss combo that led her to an island with a dragon corpse and an altar to offer a dragon heart to and that set her off on finding a dragon to kill (she did). Another went the "standard" path briefly then got sidetracked and ended up with a Claw weapon with Bleed and she defeated several story bosses and at least one optional boss. A JP hololive vtuber fought that golden knight immediately… and eventually won. THEN she continued on.

    Elden Ring does "What's over there" perfectly. The sense of discovery, the thrill of dangerous adventure it's all there and it's wonderful.

  10. Elden Ring takes me back to the world of Gothic and Gothic II. The open world was smaller and more confined compared to something like Morrowind around the same time, but the world was a character in an of itself. Same goes for how the story unfolded, yes you could technically go anywhere but it's crafted in a way that you'll end up dead real quick of to venture too far before you are ready. This subtly pushes you in the right direction while not being exactly linear. Solid game and world design, not copy paste assets.

  11. Elden rings god tier. Its fromsoft. Ive not been a fromsoft simp since demon souls on ps3 for shits and giggles … mmmmmm k horizon forbidden west is amazing too though. I switch from elden to forbidden west on ps5 and both are amazing both entertain me.

    Is elden ring better …yes..
    But is forbidden a 8 out of 10 . Also yes

  12. I would agree with everything stated about Elden Ring up until a point.

    I think the game is amazing for the first forty of fifty hours, but the game does become really, really, really repetitive at the end.

    The game reuses bosses and dungeon designs to a nauseating degree in the later half. And the endgame just lacks any real momentum or memorable bosses other than Hoarah Loux (who is positively excellent).

    And Malenia is just an absolute trainwreck of a boss that only happened because Elden Ring prioritized gimmicks and difficulty over satisfying boss design.

  13. To me, a good open world is an interesting place with decent side quest and treasures/enemies/locations. A few collectibles is fine as long as it does not become a chore. Trying to platinum a Ubisoft open world game is a chore. Horizon is fun to explore. Elden Ring is sadastic fun and people like it. There is a type of game for everyone and honestly, consider an open world good if you enjoy playing it, like with any game really.

  14. Was honestly hoping you’d bring up Breath of the Wild and it’s durability issue. And how Elden ring with possibly even more weapons than it doesn’t have durability. …Or rain that makes you slip off cliffs.

  15. Note: Elden Ring also uses Copy and Paste, but I admit, it's a bit more tastefully done. But by the end, it really wore me down. I was sick and tired of all the SAME stuff in the final zones. Everything found in the first 2 regions is just infinitely repeated. 😩😫😣


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