The Olmecs – "Raiders of the Past Podcast" w/ Jahannah James


35 thoughts on “The Olmecs – "Raiders of the Past Podcast" w/ Jahannah James”

  1. super interesting guys. I used to work on a coffee farm in ecuador and the mans property had 2 pyramids on it from the Yumbo people. Would love to know what dug under there

  2. Maybe they had a Rain Man who was a genius at sacred geometry. So they took care of all the deformed and people with mental challenges who came after looking for another savant. 🤔

  3. 19:10 Ar Ak guy doesn’t realize that just because scientists against myths can use primitive methods to made stone vases, doesn’t mean they made them as accurate and precise as what’s being measured in the Egyptian ones.

    And I hope your not referring to that duck or bird vase they had the Russian woman make cause it definitely wasn’t completely hollowed out like which what we see in Egypt.

  4. Hello Luke and Jahannah,

    I appreciate your efforts to unravel the truth about human history by exploring alternative sources and follow your own plan.
    Your contributions raise a whole lot of questions with regard to the mainstream narrative and I will add some more to the increasing number of mysteries and problems that are not solved by academia: instead I will answer these questions here.

    Being an independent researcher myself, I have conducted an investigation into the units and numbers used by the inventors of THE SYSTEM OF TIME MEASURE (supposedly created by the Sumerians).

    I will demonstrate you the essence (starting at the conclusions ) to give you an idea of the content and the scope of my discoveries.
    I sincerely hope that you can see them for what they are.

    Our distant ancestors left their scientific achievements not only in megalithic constructions that are found all around the world, but they also encoded knowledge of our solar system into the way we measure time, through an ingenious method. They defined:

    (A) the various UNITS OF TIME during ONE DAY OF ROTATION (24 hours x 3,600 seconds = 86,400 seconds/day)

    (B) the ORBITAL DISTANCE of the EARTH around the SUN during ONE SACRED YEAR OF 360 DAYS…

    … by using the exact SAME NUMBERS AND RATIOS (!).

    In other words: they incorporated the geometrical/astronomical aspects of BOTH TIME AND DISTANCE (!) in these numbers.

    The few surviving remains of this forgotten knowledge are known as Sacred Geometry.

    Here are some important examples of this double application (of which traces and evidence can be found within numerous myths and religions around the world):


    (2) ONE YEAR OF ORBIT EQUALS 86,400 x THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE MOON (240 x 360 = 86,400 x per year)

    Because the SUN is 400 x larger than the MOON (864,000 miles diameter versus 2,160 miles diameter) we can calculate that:


    (4) ONE YEAR OF ORBIT EQUALS 216 x THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE SUN (216 x 144,000 = 360 x 86,400 = 1 year)

    It's important to understand that the dimensions of the MOON and SUN are encoded within the number of seconds during one single day, because:

    6 hours = 21,600 seconds (compare 2,160 miles diameter)

    24 hours = 86,400 seconds (compare 864,000 miles diameter)

    Historians (and mathematicians alike) have adopted only a part of this incredible system: they have considered these numbers to be units of TIME only, and by doing so they have utterly failed to understand its true purpose and meaning.

    I have been able to decode every individual NUMBER – UNIT COMBINATION, thus recreating the extensive astronomical knowledge that was meant to survive as a testament of their existence and as an inspiration for future generations (BTW The Great Pyramid was built with the similar numbers and ratios, demonstrating the exact same content).

    I am quite willing to share this information with everybody expecting you treat it with respect (there are no costs involved).

    I consider this a collective heritage that should be accessible for all mankind.

    If you put an email address in a comment I'll send you an INTRODUCTION to my work, revealing and explaining a whole lot more (it's a 5 page document when printed).
    SCEPSIS 7920 (D.G.O.)

    PS These numbers are well known to people who study Sacred Geometry, but you may have to read this more than once to understand their significance; I apologize for the length of this comment.

  5. If someone had indeed developed the technical ability to create these vases, wouldn't it be much more profitable to sell this method to some major world industry instead of making a whole lot of fake ancient vases?
    Instead of becoming famous, rich and well respected you would engage in fraudulous, illegal, criminal activities?!
    Hahaha 🤔🤭😂, the counter arguments used by disciples of the mainstream narrative get increasingly more silly: you have to be so desperate to come up with such an idea!

  6. Of all the megalithic stones, these seem like the easiest to move. Luke thinks to shape them square to ship them? I say chip the into a ball shape on site, and roll them where you want them. Then carve them into a round head? Not too hard to believe they could do that in my opinion.

  7. There are elongated skulls in Paracas, Peru with increased cranial mass and missing the central suture (you don't get either from skull binding) as well as other unique anatomical features. Descriptions and depictions of pharoahs have elongated skulls. I think there were people with naturally occurring elongated skulls that others emulated.

  8. We are slowly slowly finding more and more evidence that there may just have been a global culture present during and after the last ice age. Easter Island, Karan Tepe, Olmec. Pyramids, similar caricatures in statues, head dresses, stellae. Handcock is getting more and more confirmation over time. I suspect he has 'guides' more than just his public story. Looks like a slow release of findings but I thin its manufactured. I'd look towards the secret societies to 'blame' for that.

  9. so coming out of caves ? 😮 um Goetheborg Event much? btw im pretty sure there is a Clay Tablet cuneifoř that is misread as barley distribution logs and what it is is actually MANUAL TO GROW BARLEY funny enough there is the same JAGUAR motive and same “Brushstrokes” UNDERNEATH

  10. Yawn. I expect more attention to detail. Humming and umming, not knowing holiday history or facts, rambles w/o focus or conclusion as you chase what-if’s. Why waste our time? Good natured is fine, yet forgettable if you don’t offer newness. Present professionally …if you make graphics and take a shower & comb hair beforehand, then respect audience time and deliver. I’ve been streaming digital for three decades and after four years of bad zoom calls we’ve all started wanting more.
    I’ll check back and wish you luck.

  11. Regarding the Olmecs taking care of people with deformities: could it be possible when leadership was passed on heridatirly the leadership, aware incest could lead to deformed babies, told their followers that rather than a revolt because of (physical) weak leadership that form of leadership should be embraced?

  12. Things are way older then we think. I live in a coal mining area. Some of the stories from the old timers will blow your mind. They find stuff they can't explain all the time.

  13. Love this podcast, was looking forward to this 2nd episode after watching the first one! And fascinating conversation about the Olmecs, you guys might have hit the nail one the head about what the heads depict.


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