The NOVEMBER BALANCE NOTES: What You Need To Know!! || EVE Echoes

The devs have dropped the patch notes for the November Balance Patch, and they’re surprisingly good?

Here’s what you need to know!!

#EVEEchoes #mobilegaming #CaptainBenzie



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39 thoughts on “The NOVEMBER BALANCE NOTES: What You Need To Know!! || EVE Echoes”

  1. Some nice changes here… Wish they would do something with Stealth Bomber mode as well as Sniper mode but hey cant have it all. Pleased the Cruiser IIs are getting some love. Kind of miss flying my Caracel Navy so gives me reason to try the Caracel II out.

  2. Yoooo just when I was taking a break from this game and despairing it's descent, we get some love. Not a lot, mind you. Maybe a peck on the cheek.

    Still, it's better than the p2w baseball bat we've been getting lately.

  3. This patch was single handedly the most disappointing thing for me in echoes history. Massive nerfs to all drone speeds, bombard implant (which affect drone speed) effectively kill that entire playstyle. Application and orbit doesn't matter at all if the drones can't catch up with the target. Sure new drones sound good, but they are locked behind LP store which means you need to grind a huge amount of LP in wargames (which no one ever plays) to even possibly get one. Which will just be killed in PVP anyways. All this serves to push everyone further into cepters as they will easily outrun even the fastest drones. This ultimately is the nail in the coffin for me and signals the end of my eve experience after about 3yrs.

    The change to the cruiser 2s and snipers seemed good, but unfortunately those ships still have no content to go do.

  4. The fact that the syntax of the patch sounds reasonable means that they maybe hired a western community manager, witch could sign a new beggining for Dev/Pilots relations.

    This is heartning more than ever.

    The changes are fair.
    We shall see..

    Fly safe

  5. The focus laser really needs the buff. It's crazy good and doesn't require activation. The sniper one shoukd be a buff since it's active longer.

    I hope they replace the daily logins with the modified gear since those are not poo

  6. I see the title of this video, and Im putting this in before having watched the video. Please dont get my hopes up, Benzie.

    Edit: at 24:00 you said that Sniping Technology is getting nerfed. I read it that it's actually getting buffed. Isnt activation time is how long it's active versus on cooldown? If so, that means it's getting duration increased by 50%. I dunno. I could be wrong.

    Edit 2: Kinda hyped about the Barghest changes. It's my second favorite BB in the game after the Rohk, and since I cant fly that for another SIX FREAKING MONTHS I'll have an easier time grinding up the 12 BILLION isk to camp the market for a Barghest hull.

  7. This was just enough to add a little excitement back into my life. First, now I will have to take a look at my daredevil again. But now, I was ruling out the Nestor, but maybe it might be something to look at with the logistics drone bonus since I love playing the support role. But I am excited for Drones/Missiles/Rails!

  8. I can confirm that max speed frigates are untouchable now after the patch. Even a dragoon destroyer drones dont even reach 6k speeds now but my DD and Succ are both faster than that.

    Whatever happened to using the test server to test balance patches?

  9. Based on one of your last vids i deleted so my login boxes hahaha omg! Close to 600 i think between home and jita! X 2 for the alt. But my gosh the drone love has me screeming mmmm i cant wait to fly my proph tomorrow

  10. They should make normal and cov ops cloaks require fuel to run now that they've added the fuel tanks to all ships. This would allow dedicated cov ops players to continue hunting like they do, but make it much harder for cam alts to sit cloaked in a system 24/7

  11. damm my 160km pulse sniepr apoc will have less range to isnta blap anything i see….
    my brain is flodding with ridiculos ammounts of nestor fitts. now i can do every concivable role that isnt a shield guard/shiled logi decetly well.

  12. Thanks for the shoutou! <3 the sniper mode on the sniper ships would make it being able to have between 1200 and 1300 scan resolution (which is in the range of instalocking ships before they can warp out). This is a decent buff to have for sniper ships to help them compensate their slow speed, compared to their t6 variant cruisers. I am a bit excited to put some strikes on my snipers and testing them out a little 😀

    I would have liked to see the focused crystal implant getting nerfed from 180% down between 100-120% range. I feel like that would make the implant strong, but not overpowered like we have currently.
    I would like to see the power coils implant getting a nerf to stun passive skill from a -50% slow down to a -20% slow. I do not understand why railguns get the best tracking in the game and needs a 50% slow on enemy ships when you reach level 30. Other implants needs to be upgraded to level 45 and they get a 20% slow on an active skill… That to me is unfair and just doing too much.
    I would like to see the barrage implant revert back to its orginal stats of 9-12 shots instead of the current 6-9 shots version we have. I understand that people are complaining about the DPS increase, however, its only for 10 seconds. A DCU just counters this implant altogether and the extenders are very good at lowering the effectiveness of this implant.

    I do think drones got absolutely killed this patch. I do not understand why we are nerfing drone speed at all. They needed the tracking boost, sure but at the cost of speed? Currently, the fastest small drone (warriors) can reach 7500m/s and it still cannot catch slasher interceptors when kiting at 30km. Now, they are getting a speed nerf to 3250m/s? How are they going to do anything? Isn't the point of small drones being able to catch interceptors and frigates and DPS them down before the enemy fleet has time to warp onto you and lock you down? I understand that they are adding new drones that sound like they are the fast drones, BUT i am understanding that you can only get them at the LP stores… That is the biggest mistake that would put drone pilots in a very bad spot, by forcing such a small supply of these new drones. I am not a drone pilot at all, but if these drones get the nerf as expected, all my cruisers can outrun the current small drones which is a joke. I felt like they needed to be faster to the point that the fastest small drone can catch the fastest frigate, and the fastest medium drone can catch the fastest cruiser, etc.

    I do like the nerf of the mwd modules for fighters on the carriers, but they should have increased the time from 10s between 15-20s to compensate for total distance moved. I think these modules gave too much speed, sure, but they should have increased the activation time so help them cover that distance a little bit better. Slow fighters are dead fighters 🙂 Thank you for the video, I love them! o7 Benzie and I would love to hear your thoughts about what I said. IDK if my thoughts about this matter is correct or not.

  13. I think you need to get the sniper implant to understand how much of a buff this is to it. The 60 secs to 90 secs buff now means you can fully charge up the implant to 100 % before taking your shot. The optimal and falloff buff now means my sniping Mach can hit at even more insane ranges….. considering I could already snipe inties of station undocks in low sec at 1000 km off this will now be deadly. The only reason people don’t use this implant is it’s expensive to make/ almost impossible and needs skill to use effectively

  14. Ignoring the whale events, this balance seems to have some pretty damn positive changes and additions. There’s work to be done, but most of this seems like a step in the right direction for the survivability of the game. Looking forward to seeing all of this in play

  15. Hi man…. Drones are pretty bad in this moment witht he changes… please make a video of it…. frigates and cruisers for pvp all go above 3km/s and mk9 small drones cant hit that with 555 skills

  16. Right now I have to hope that I am being tackled by another Industry ship. They are pretty much the only thing slow enough for my drones to catch now. I would be very happy to hear a viable defence for industry ships now. Other than neut the heck out of them and run away. Oh and don't get caught in the first place. (Which I am fine with) However, we should be able to defend ourselves a tiny little bit and small drones were the only real thing that made frigates even blink twice before engaging. Please be courteous, not everyone likes to pvp.

  17. Isn't it a slight nerf to medium armor reps?
    Cycle time and repair amount go down by 16% (same output over time) but capacitor need of a single cycle goes down by only 10%.

    Overall it's pretty boring that shield and armor are being made more alike.

  18. You miss understood what they meant when reading the sniping technology changes. Activation time from 60s to 90s is a buff, not a nerf. It means that the implant will be in the active state for longer

  19. Bummer for me! I was using a large microwarp drive on my covetor to mine nillus compressed space. Without the large MWD, the procurer is just too slow, and it takes forever to waddle around. But now capacitor need is doubled, it is impossible to conserve your capacitor for defence in case you are jumped. And I literally just put Circ IV rigs on it 2 weeks ago too. 🙁


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