The Nile: How Egypt’s Sacred River Created An Ancient Superpower | Eternal Egypt | Odyssey

The River Nile is what allowed Ancient Egypt to become one of the greatest civilisations in the Ancient World. Find out how this river allowed the Egyptians to create a paradise surrounded by harsh deserts and how it shaped Ancient Egyptian culture.

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24 thoughts on “The Nile: How Egypt’s Sacred River Created An Ancient Superpower | Eternal Egypt | Odyssey”

  1. Try To Remember The Following: . . . Beware Of The Criminal Controlled, Compulsive Lying, $$$ Bought & Owned Pieces Of Crapidemia . . . aka The Crapidemics . . . And The Same Goes For The Compulsive Lying Criminal Controlled So Called Archaeologists, Anthropologists, Geologists And Egyptologists And Paleontologists . . . It Is A $$$ Making Business For Them, And A Ruthless, Cut-Throat Compulsive Lying Very Deceptive One At That . . . 🙁

  2. The snake charmer "I don't kill it, I could never do that
    …I just remove its fangs so it can't eat, then put it in this tiny basket for the rest of its life -it dies of natural causes"
    …umm okay smh 😒 wow. What was that river called again? Lol sounds like denial.

  3. I admire the work of farmers and their way of life. I grew up helping my dad and plowing gave way for growing crops. The simplicity and contentment these wonderful people can teach us about the meaning of life and living happy and secured.

  4. I can't stand how all these amazing artists toil making these beautiful creations only to have them described as being made by some psychotic rich prick that didn't lay a hand on a brick. Theses guys talking about it Taking century's to make the retaining wall for the Pharoah. Ate you certain it's not so they the people would in fact not get flooded out. These coook Archeologists always forget about the people. Boot licker have to say this crap to placate the wanna be pharaohs of today funding their digs

  5. I’m a little puzzled, admittedly I’ve only just watched the intro; but what exactly does the narrator mean? “we’re going to travel through time AND space” … is the Tardis required for this adventure?

  6. All sorts of factual / historical inaccuracies in this video. Not least, it's stated twice that Nefertiti was the wife of Ramses II. This is entirely wrong. Nefertiti was the consort of the controversial pharaoh Akhenaten


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