The NIGHTMARE of Being GOD: The Consequence of Being All-Powerful

From the burden of omniscience and being all-knowing and all-powerful, we examine the nightmare of being God. Delve into the dark side of deity and explore the consequences of ultimate power.

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21 thoughts on “The NIGHTMARE of Being GOD: The Consequence of Being All-Powerful”

  1. I have personally had experiences where I felt and perceived during the waking day. The awareness I am behind the physical form. Was everything. The other people around me. My pet dog. The plants and even all inanimate things around me. Like I was aware I was in my own dream realm. That all principles and illusions were suspended in nothing and was nothing while simultaneously knowing it was everything and it was just me and my "world" or "others" all being the other 50% besides just the awareness i am. i went through epiphanies, random questions came to me with instant realizations. Like my brain filter was lifted so much it was raw mind and raw truths, using genuine seeking to understand and compassion to melt away all societal and cultural and physically generated filters. I felt it was the coolest game ever. It was so awesome and full of love and nothing real to worry about. I also felt the hellish nightmare it was on the flip side of it all simultaneously. That truelly feeling and knowing all of this as atleast in this human suit. Was overwhelming and terrifying to be alone in such a empty void yet completely suffocated in a claustrophobic way. Like being in a ocean of black ink. Or inside the static screen of a old TV. Feeling nothing close but as if something is against every piece of me that is me. And then the realizations of unable to know what i dont know even knoeing everything about me and being the only thing there is, but what if i was wrong in that conclusion and there was even more illusion im not all alone even tho it felt certainly all me, but what if i dont know how much i am and theres something taking advantage of me or even myself. Then I snapped out of it all and concluded. I think I'll stay in the dream a bit longer. I'll keep playing. I don't want to know I'm all alone again. Or even tricked and unable to know if I'm wrong about being a singularity. I saw the defense mechanism and I saw the keys to the locks and I chose to not open the door all the way. The awareness of the door was enough. Looking through the peep hole was a overload. My human nature to not perish stopped me from continuing. I haven't been in that state again. I may after some more time and experience… try to go back to that level of hyper awareness. When I'm a more stable human than I was and am.

  2. Amazing content folks learned a lot from this video. It made me think big time people. And helped opened up my mind to a different thought process. I am so tried of the way I have been programed through out the years. To believe things that make little or on sense to me. I have people in my family who think I am doomed. Because I choose not to believe in the things that they do.

    When I went off to war at 19 and participated that chaos and dysfunction. That really made me think a lot about god. And other doctrines related to religion etc. There is one thing that always puzzled me about a lot of things I've been programed to believe.

    It just don't add up for me plain and simple. it seems to make things worse and it seems to solve nothing. Oh well such is life here on earth I reckon folks. There is one thing though; with all that I have seen and been through. I am still not a hateful evil petty person. But my heart is heavy and I feel so bad for our dysfunctional chaotic human condition.

    I love your videos M… They make me think outside of the programing outside of the box. It's a bit frightening, but I guess the programing must be more powerful than I thought. Peace be with you be safe and be well sir and thanks for helping an old being out. Peace!

  3. I think I have a totally different understanding of reality than that. I believe God is a place that we all are right now We are all connected And we all appear to be won by believe this individuality even amongst the one The one is the 1 of many It's more like a democracy than a dictatorship

  4. It's an interesting thought that God shattered himself into us, but I was also thinking, with how God got bored and hated being alone that he chose to forget…isn't it also plausible that God chose to reset himself when he created the physical universe and therefore wasn't bored of his creation that he's always known…and is starting fresh once again?

  5. I was always fascinated bij 369 yesterday i found that if u use 3 6 or 9 to add up to a number the Sum Will be in a loop converted back to 1-9, 9 would be infinite, 6 going Backwards and 3 going forward, when u use 124578 wil give change🙈

    9 would be everything, 3,6 space and time and all thé other Numbers would be Motion creating change thus energy and matter

    But now i need to understand what to do with the understanding of of that.

    Wanted to do something with 9 and see for myself

  6. BEING and a being. Some people at the end will look back at their life as the most fun they've ever had and others will recall a nightmare. Reincarnation might not be about correcting mistakes or ridding the world of evil, winning, getting rich or correcting your fellow man. It could anything really. I and not I. Play to win.

  7. Brrroooo, you creep me out, and I love you all at the same time. Heh. I just can't seem get to the center… I can't make sense of how these psychopaths who lay claim to running this place get off on doing what they're doing, if they "know". Perhaps I give them too much credit, but, as I see it, it's been made into a nightmare for no good reason… 🤟🧙‍♂

  8. I’ve had a few psychedelic experiences where I was the only thing in existence and it’s basically hell. I’m not the only one who has had this experience. A friend of mine has experienced it as well


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