'The NHS is ready to collapse': Union boss warns against cuts

The NHS will be left in a “difficult” situation if the government does not make the right choices, the general secretary of Unison has said.

During an interview on Sky’s Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme, Christina McAnea warned that the health service is “on its knees” and spending cuts to public services are not the right answer.

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33 thoughts on “'The NHS is ready to collapse': Union boss warns against cuts”

  1. Jeremy rhymes with hUNT… welcome to the new world people. I've seen, first-hand, the corruption and malpractice in the NHS. The private sector who fund these "politicians" (or eventually will do with promises of lucrative contracts post-career) – well, all they want is a piece of the pie – see the so-called "united states of 'merica" for details. It's shocking how we are allowing the slow but sure takeover of critical infrastructure by private organisations. It MUST stop. If we don't react now and with impetus we are, quite literally, doomed. God Save the King. God Save England and Great Britain.

  2. I worked abroad in Spain for 18yrs, when I left, we had a good functioning NHS, on my return I was appalled the current NHS makes the Spanish Seguridad Social care look like private health care. There's not enough spent on preventative medicine and most research seems to be left to charity donations, from what I've seen and heard from recent visits to Doctors and Hospitals they're all struggling for funding. There are thousands of vacancies and not enough Nurses of Doctors wanting to train due to poor pay. Even though I'm not well myself, I wholly support the medical staff taking strike action, if they get the needed pay increase that all our essential services should receive, including funding for such vital services as the ambulance service and air ambulance service funding would help along with medical research funding, if not full at least part. All this 'Government' has cared about for, for all the years they have not served the people of the UK, is lining their own pockets, the more they privatise the more they can tax and, we the people can be damned. Talking to my GP the other day, who had two medical students with him, a rare occurrence these days, I made the comment we need a change of Government, one that cares about the Country and the people and he totally agreed. We need a new Government that can start to clean up the mess the Tory's have made of our Country, and pay the right people good money.

  3. Conservative trickle down economics is not working. We need to level up not Down. Labour needs to get behind the unions. We've not a real terms payrise in 30 years. The last generation who could afford a house was in the 1980s. That's when wages were at the same level as the cost of living. It's like 17 percent under the cost of living line now. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  4. These strikes mean more people will die, not maybe but its not our fault we are angels this is just plain old murder and it probably will be the old who die off. Same old left wing " we cant be more efficient but we can blame everyone else, pretend we are in some way devine and screw more and more from the tax payer while killing them off.

  5. I live in Germany, and we have an insurance based system that allows us to choose our specialists and gives us better health care. Everybody is entitled to it. The hospitals are private but are non-profit making. This takes the politics out of health care provision

  6. Meanwhile when u talk out about hackers manipulating ads and youtube endorsing trans gender hate racial byest etc they set up all together when u all getting hacked and set up remember i told u so these pedo s all working together

  7. The NHS has apparently been on its knees for as long as I can remember i'm not talking years I'm talking many decades. As it is entirely publicly funded then they need to spend wisely and not pay astronomical prices for drugs and equipment. It seems anytime Government (public) money is being spent government rates come out that are typically higher because no-one gives a f'k about how they throw other peoples money away.

  8. Ambulances are waiting outside EDs with patients on the board for 7 hours due to no beds. The number of calls doubles as the public can not get GP appointments. I have not seen that bad for 15 years! 111 uses Ambulances as an extension to GP primary care service, and people with heart attacks and strokes are dying due to a lack of ambulances. …

  9. Investment needs to be in the private sectors not the public sectors.
    Public sectors are a criminal waste of taxpayers money which offers nothing but an appalling service in return , apart from the Military all public sectors should be privatised and money saved used for far more important issues.

  10. it's abused has been for a few years sort the doctors surgery's out first they have a phone stuck to their ears at home instead of a desk and thermometer sat in their surgery this has been their habit since the virus that's why the hospitals are unable to cope some doctors never go to work but I bet they cope their money

  11. Ready to Collapse? it already has, I have a new doctor I have never seen n spoken to just once in well over a year, maybe the problem with the N.H.S. is those who supposedly running it, their more interested in making up diversity managers than actual front line staff, I bet managers n pen pushers out number the front line staff ten to one, that is where all the money is going.

  12. Shalom, Salam, Peace.
    1. Perhaps We Should Sell Off Each NHS Hospital One At A Time.
    2. As NHS Hospitals Seem To Be Costing A Black Hole In Finance, Full Of Consultants.
    3. Then We As Patients Can Choose Which Private Hospital To Go To, Paid By The NHS.
    4. Also Waiting Lists Would Not Longer Be A Problem.


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