The New World High Watermark Gear Score Expertise System Change is the Apocalypse for Crafting

The New World high watermark gear score expertise system change is the apocalypse for crafting in New World. Once these changes take effect you will be forced into grinding your gear score back up to 600. All of your legendary gear in New World you wasted all your time and money on to acquire is a complete and total waste of your gameplay really. As it will totally depend on your New World Expertise score. Which will scale down your glorious legendary gear from 600 down to 500 if you’re lvl 60.

In essence they are forcing the daily grind upon you my friend. If you ever want that armor you currently to be worth a darn then you must grind your dailies until you literally puke in your mouth. For some people they will have to complete this utter and complete grind not once but twice!

Also I think the music is worthy in this New world crafting apocalypse high watermark gear score expertise system change video. Prove me wrong in the comments, or agree whatever you want just let me know how you truly feel as a crafter hearing about these changes???

EDIT – Seems those who at least farmed their gear score get to keep that when the expertise system comes into place. However if you didn’t your gear score is going to be SERIOUSLY LACKING!

New World Developer

Sorry for any confusion. I have let the support team know that what was communicated in the support conversation above is incorrect.

Progression will not be reset. Any High Watermark you had earned will be converted to Expertise.


Ultra New World Beginners Guide to 200 everything!

Loot luck is broken in New World 1.1 here is why!

Amazing Legendary Farm in New World

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13 thoughts on “The New World High Watermark Gear Score Expertise System Change is the Apocalypse for Crafting”

  1. How do you feel about the coming changes to watermark and gear score from a crafting standpoint? If you spent tens or hundreds of thousands for perfect 600 gear score items I want to hear about it too! Basically some of the changes sound win. Knocking everyone who poured in an immense amount of time to either grind the craft to make it, or the gold to buy it.. will soon be blessed with 500 gear score power… How about those free 600 gs harvesting sets. Sorry ma dudes gotta bump that back down to 500 gs!!! LOL really?? So what happens to that 3rd effect you get on a 600 gs legendary item?? Who knows eh? Cause you'll be back down to 500 gs items with one less effect on each most likely. Until you do the forced GS grind to get back what you already had. Exactly how does that make you feel really about New World now after all this endless well at this point waste of time?

    EDIT – Seems those who at least farmed their gear score get to keep that when the expertise system comes into place. However if you didn't your gear score is going to be SERIOUSLY LACKING!


    New World Developer

    Sorry for any confusion. I have let the support team know that what was communicated in the support conversation above is incorrect.

    Progression will not be reset. Any High Watermark you had earned will be converted to Expertise.


  2. I hear ya, funnily enough I just discovered your channel (and subbed) getting back up to speed on SC because …yeah….
    I just got my skills over 150 and I just don't have the drive to keep going down that path.

  3. why do they keep destroying the things that us full time hardcore gamers love like ED they killed all the gold rushes that pulled 100s of players in then you watch NW do the same making the grind longer does not make the game fun. sorry bro if you keep playing I would be happy to join you and start a new alt on your server bro would love to come join ya

  4. So now there's TWO arbitrary numbers you have to grind for…what? To get 600 gs to do…what? So now you max out all your crafting and then do…what? Play outpost rush until your head explodes? They need to STOP with the gear score system. They need to REVAMP the crafting system so its not a stupidly silly grind and actually allow you to make the gear with the stats you want and not randomize 2/3 of the stats. Fuck this game is designed like a f2p Korean mmo.

  5. man this is the second time I hear you heartbroken in a video this year first with Odyssey and now with New World. guess you can say you know things are very bad in a game when Hawkes says he cant take it anymore. just want you to know I'm there with you like so many we fell ya bro 100%

  6. The thing is, the watermark grinding that is done by most people I've seen is all about running from chest to chest in the mines just forcing the mobs to reset. I got really bored of that and my friends and I spent the last few WEEKS grinding like mofos to craft voidbent. I JUST got my armor. I am seriously starting to wonder if AGS is now looking at this as some kind of tax writeoff.

  7. Ouch, sorry this is happening. Your time, effort and focus are really helpful to the community. It is a real shame how the Devs are unable to have a better solution vs the iron hammer approach. o7

  8. Unlike other MMOs as a PVE crafter I made money while leveling crafting, BUT not in NW. I just got to lev 60, many of my crafting is just under 150 and with crafting end end game nurfs I am loosing the will to Grind even more. So agree.


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