The NEW Novo Idris! – Sat. Coffee Q&A LIVE!

Intro music: “Don’t Lose My Number” by RJ Ronquillo (feat. Myrone)

Novo Guitars Idris:


23 thoughts on “The NEW Novo Idris! – Sat. Coffee Q&A LIVE!”

  1. IMO, caps make a BIG difference. I always found that PIO caps slowed down the response of the guitar, even with the tone control all the way up, Part of the tone and response I like in mid 60's Strats, in addition to the gray-bottom pickups with enamel wire, are the old ceramic disk caps, which quickens the response, and the feel on the strings, compared to PIO. Putting a PIO cap in a mid-60s Strat will "ruin" the response, where it wrecks the quack that I love in those guitars.

  2. sorry but it feels like a sell out to the success of the silver sky–another sell-out guitar IMO–not a fan of either. PRS and NOVO have/had their own thing and didnt need to push into the strat copy market. imo. waters down their unique brands. imo.

  3. Whenever i used a strat in a live situation i removed the plastic volume knob all together, just used the bare metal post because i could not risk constantly reducing the volume by mistake!

  4. I love my Novo! I have a simple Solus F1, and like RJ said, it’s just so well made in the little details, neck, fretwork, overall feel, that you want to pick it up and not put it down again.

  5. Always look forward to your content every Saturday, homie… please come on for a bit this weekend coming, even though it's the holidays. Call it a present to your fans!! Cheers

  6. Great tone! However, this guitar looks far too much like a ordinary Strat model.
    I have a Novo Miris J on order…,; far more imaginative design. Novo finally missed the mark with this one!

  7. Novo sure makes great guitars but personally I don't dig anything about this one. This headstock looks great on their Jazzmaster shape but don't really fit the look of a strat. The pickups are too bright imo and the shape is just odd. Sometimes it's just best to not mess with a classic design.


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