The Neptune Factor (1973)

A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. Guest: Dig the Undertaker. Movie: Neptune Factor from 1973.

Episode 07-343 Air Date: 07-15-2023

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35 thoughts on “The Neptune Factor (1973)”

  1. cracking film, thoroughly enjoyed it. yes the special effects would be better now. but the story and characters were great, You are an amazing show, watching you from Washington, England on youtube. Vincent you are an amazing host, Mr Livingstone is so calm and the conscience of the show and tangella is just plain gorgeous keep up the good work

  2. I recall this movie. I watched it on TV as a kid on a Friday night. It was all my friends talked about on Saturday, and Monday at school.

  3. i love you all !!! shes soo cool , dances awesome, and he always has the hottest HOT TOPIC CLOTHING !!!! i own a huge junk shop and if you were closer i have a bazillion props to donate to you !!!

  4. Well, that's a couple of hours of my life I'll never get back. The filmmakers could have removed the 'monster' element and it wouldn't have changed the story that much. At least the guest was interesting/entertaining.

  5. another interesting thing about the photographing of dead people in years gone by, is that you can actually tell which of the people in these pictures is the corpse. the corpse always came out the clearest and least blurred, because no matter how still a living person sits, their bodies still move.

    like, when you hold your hands out in front of you, they always move a little bit no matter how hard you try to keep them still. but being that the nerves no longer send signals to the muscles in a dead body, the corpse was always absolutely perfectly still, and there-fore, always came out the clearest in the developed pictures.


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