The Nature of Predators ch.169 | HFY | Series

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26 thoughts on “The Nature of Predators ch.169 | HFY | Series”

  1. To be honest, this chapter really brought home a huge problem with this series, the military elements just don't make sense. I love the story, but am I the only one who thinks this?

    Sam and Carlos (RIP) sometimes behave like trained soldiers, but other times they and most others behave like untrained amateurs, stopping the rover in the middle of an attack to mourn. The rovers themselves make no sense, with only three people in each, why aren't there dedicated vehicle crews, transporting troops in a bay in the back? Thats how things work in real life, its an efficient system, . Plus, since he's the UN's best advisor in this war Sovelin should be back on earth, making plans and helping the UN coordinate the attack, not occasionally giving Captain Monohan some exposition and running into a firefight he's not trained to be in.

    The fleet battles have tens of thousands of ships on all sides including the UN fleets, how can earth have produced enough? Even when you factor out the donations from the SC members there are still thousands of UN-made ships, at a time when humanity has had warp capability for only a year or two at most, where did these designs come from and how were they produced? Especially after the attack on earth destroyed a lot of our industry. Plus, who would crew them? How long would it take to train them? Even using existing naval crews it would take years to reach the levels required to match the Kolshians' Shadow Fleet, and I know that using drones helps this but that goes back to the question of production.

    Am I the only one who thinks this? I still enjoy the story, these things just get in the way whenever they come up.

  2. Farwell Carlos, a.k.a the man who sacrificed the common perspective which brought uncommon forgiveness, hope, and redeption to many beings hearts… not just Slovlin. Sacrificed pride and fear to get the other humans to get the Tilfish to be seen as decent people. …Then he sacrificed to see the mission of galactic peace sealed and done. He never sacrificed his inner light, nor his sense of humor. Thank you Carlos for all of your sacrifices.

  3. May Carlos rest in peace But, his death, WAS NOT WASTED… His sacrifice saved Billions! chipped the final bit of ice from the heart of a particular racist Gojid…. (Also I just now realized Sam is likely Based on Samantha Carter from Stargate:Sg-1 😂😅😞😢🖖


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