The Naked TRUTH – Dolly Safran and Preston Dennett .

Tonight I’m joined by Dolly Safran and Preston Dennett .
We will be discussing Dolly’s lifetime experiences with craft and beings and the variations of experincers out there from just the one off contact to quite literally a lifetime of experiences . Dolly and Preston Dennetts co-host a weekly show Into The Lightgate which I have been a guest on and we will be discussing Symmetry A True UFO Adventure book and her contact with Momma.

Dolly Safran began her life journey already a generational
contactee. Her father, an Airborne Ranger in the US Army, was
also a contactee from an early age. Growing up was challenging
for Dolly as occurrences of disappearing from her home, psychic
phenomena and unseen friends caused anxiety for her mother.
Until the age of 14, Dolly’s memories were not fluid. She knew
strange things were happening, but could not connect reality to
them. It took a huge push to fight for her conscious recall to
remain intact. After gaining awareness, her life took on
purpose. Nursing began her journey. Then she began serving as a
civilian worker in the US Department of the Treasury, and also
in the Army as a Department of Defense employee. Life changed
those trajectories suddenly, and she was happy to become a zoo
keeper and an Animal Baby Momma for a private zoo and sanctuary
in Florida. All while being taught by and working with ET.
Dolly’s decision to break her silence is now an imperative for
her.Preston Dennett has written a book on Dollys extensive case .It is called Symmetry A True UFO Adventure (2022)
Welcome fellow LightWorkers X

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