The Mysterious Story Suzanne Morphew

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A mom left home alone on Mother’s Day didn’t respond to texts or calls from her daughters or husband. Hours later, there were still no signs of her as friends, family and local law enforcement spread out and searched the roads and mountainous terrain of Chaffee County, Colorado. Then her blue mountain bike was found down a ravine not far from their home. What had happened to Suzanne Morphew?

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30 thoughts on “The Mysterious Story Suzanne Morphew”

  1. Whenever I hear a missing person is from coloarado ,I just shake my head. Reminds me of Chris Watts! So many deaths there in most videos I watch. Note: do not live there if married or dating! Something is weird about that place! I knew, just knew it was him.

  2. The one that got away. The fact that he was l;istening to a podcast about a husband killing his wife and using her bike as a decoy is just a tad too coincindental. And he told the cops he "made vigorous love" to his wife before she went missing just sounds like bs. Unsatisfactory outcome!

  3. What happened to Suzanne? Her husband killed her. It's always the treacherous husband! Imagine a world without evil men – half the women wouldn't be in jail for killing their treacherous husbands, and the other half of women in jail, wouldn't be there because their father's evil didn't influence them to crime. God can we just be rid of evil men already!

  4. He votes for Donnie…….that explains everything! Guilty as, I think! I can’t imagine stopping someone’s heart from beating, stopped someone’s blood from pumping and stopping someone’s lungs from getting air. The whole time this piece of crap is saying he loves his wife his head is saying NO.

  5. Well theres another unidentified males DNA in her SUV………maybe she was dating yet another man they dont know about and he got mad and killed her or he was a serial killer……….or she ran off w him and made a scene look like she was kidnapped/murdered so no one would look for her alive…….all the better to hide in plain sight.

  6. From day #1 everyone who's intelligent knew it was her husband &
    it ended up being her husband !
    very very sad —

    sometimes we never know who we marry or live or who we believe are our friends
    with that could end up being our worst enemy that ends your life 🙈

  7. At the very beginning of the video when they showed a photo of Barry's "wife," I promise you, before the video started, I said to myself, that woman is an adulteress. She had a look about her that said, "she'll get in anybody's bed when she gets horny." You can rest assured, this Jeff guy was not her first affair in her marriage. That Jeff had nothing to offer any woman. She just wanted to aggressively seek out an easy victim. "Such is the way of an adulteress, she eats, wipes her mouth and says, 'I have committed no wickedness.'" (Prov. 30:20) One other thing : She was bound to have been a termagant and hard to live with or Barry would never have left her on Mothers' Day and gone to a job site way out of town on a Sunday. He had to get away from her constant complaining and her berating of him. She had to try and get him to "harm" her in order to justify her egregious unfaithfulness. She was devious as hell and got sensual pleasure from flirting and beguiling men. She stood to gain a windfall in any divorce. After the divorce, she'd say, Next !!!" She'd drop Jeff immediately and move on to another successful man.

  8. Well he had his answer ready for every single suspicious thing he did. If we’ve learned anything, ladies stay away from them contractors, that way they can’t say they were just trying to save money on dumpster costs.

  9. I'm not justifying anything because I believe he's guilty but to say why would he have a tranquilizer is pretty stupid of you because many farmers have tranquilizers for a different animals and stuff so that could be why he has them case he needs to shoot an animal and then take it far away from the house and let it go


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