The Murder of Lord Erroll, 1941

In the early hours of the 24th January 1941, Josslyn Hay, the 22nd Earl of Erroll, was discovered crouched in the footwell of his Buick at the side of the Ngong Road to Nairobi, Kenya. He was dead. Someone had shot him in the head at close quarters – presumably his passenger. Police soon discovered that Lord Erroll was a notorious womaniser, with a penchant for other men’s wives. He had once been horse-whipped in the street by a husband who caught him dallying with his wife… Police therefore had a great many candidates for the probably murderer of Erroll – discarded mistresses and their husbands were not in short supply. But all the evidence pointed to one person: Sir Jock Delves Broughton. His bride of just two months had been taken from him by Lord Erroll, two of his guns had gone missing two days before the murder – and the bullet that killed Lord Erroll was identified as being an exact match for ones Delves Broughton had used in shooting practice two months earlier. Was it enough? The Crown thought it was. If found guilty Delves Broughton would become the first white man in Kenya to be hanged. But, of course, there are many slips twixt cup and lip in the courts of justice… And it is entirely possible for someone to get away with murder…

Mark John Maguire

#They Got Away With Murder #TGAWM #MurderofLordErroll #WhiteMischief #CrimeDocumentary #MurderinKenya #HappyValleySet #DelvesBroughton #WhiteQueenofAfrica #MarkJohnMaguire #TrueCrime #UnsolvedMurder


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