The Murder of Haley Anderson | Full episode

A college student goes missing — the “Find My Friends” app leads to her body as her suspected killer flees the country. Will he get away with murder? CBS News contributor Maria Elena Salinas reports. Watch more full episodes of “48 Hours” on Pluto TV.

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45 thoughts on “The Murder of Haley Anderson | Full episode”

  1. Haley’s friends are rockstars. Relentlessly tracking her and finding her body. We should all be so fortunate to have such devoted pals. So sorry for Haley’s parents and friends.
    Orlando belongs in prison long term; he has no remorse and has impulse control issues. BS about Orlando not remembering strangulating Haley. She is truly a free spirit now. RIP Haley.

  2. Haley was using Orlando as a "plaything", while she was with her boyfriend. Hayley walked right into that trouble when she went to Orlando's apartment knowing he stalked her, slashed all her tires, and other worrisome behavior. Talk about no common sense.

  3. Girls need to stop leading boys on…. their feelings are easily hurt more so than girls….she was very confused….causing more problems than she could handle….. Mexican guys are dangerous also….she knew he was in love with her and that he was dangerous…he fail in love and didn't know how to handle it….he got what he deserved….

  4. How sad that the murderer's friends are MISSING him! They will have a chance to see him "in his right mind" when he is set free from prison. NO ONE will see his VICTIM… no matter HOW MUCH anyone MISSES his VICTIM… EVER…. AGAIN. You know… the NURSE he STRANGLED to DEATH. Turn about is fair play.

  5. Ladies, please be very selective picking your companions. 99% of these cases could be avoided by just being more mature about the men you date. Also, the hippie thing is not a happy attractive lifestyle. It's filled with poverty, crime, and drugs. You can do much better. Be safe out there.

  6. Haley is 100% guilty for its own death.She has provoked two men with her foxy hookerish behavior and making sex with both of them knowing each other for that….I do not know what kind of outcome would she expect.In wild nature two males fight for a female and the price is a female and a right to breed with her….In human's behavior is the same.We think we are more civilized but in our subconscious men react as animals when trying to win a woman's interest…And in contrast with the nature the women a so provoking these days,begging for attention and vanity with different men,so accidents and even death cases are totally expected.

  7. How ignorant were Orlando's friends. So sad. "Oh he was so kind and a good person". Dummies, all of them. Yeah people thought John Wayne Gacy was nice guy too until it was discovered he was a serial killer for the ages. Society needs to determine the mentally ill individuals at an early age and take them out of society ASAP. IMO they are broken for life. At what point do we decide to protect the decent lawful people in this world from evil? Also, usually there's a lot blame on parents (or lack of parenting) for raising these devils.

  8. Be honest do you know anyone who had memory loss? It hardly ever happens to someone. Unless you committed a crime. Funny how that works huh? Kuddos to all envolved who brought the killer to justice. Especially to Haley's mum. She seems such a good nice person.

  9. He committed the worst crime possible and should be punished to the full extent of the law. But at the same time what was she doing with him in the first place after he had already showed signs of aggressive behaviour. She should have never put herself in that position especially when she already had a boyfriend.

  10. alllllll this over this ugly homely white woman loll European beauty standards I tell ya. she was like a better looking Jennifer Garner and was swapping dicks constantly…but noone will say that right? Shame she's dead but come on . fugly chick on campus playing with hearts and then played with the wrong one….

  11. Ladies, don't hop from man to man, especially if those men are friends. It shouldn't but it literally puts lives in danger. Men are stronger than we are and it's not worth it!

  12. I'm seriously so sorry for Haley, friends, and her family. But She saved thousands of lives in her death, and it had purposes by him never becoming a nurse. Imagine what he could have done to patients. God Bless 🙌 🙏 She truly is a guardian and an angel! Hands down. Rest in Peace Haley. ✨️ You will always be loved by many. 💖💫 She is a Guardian Angel Now! Very sad. 😔

    That scumbag will rot in his cell.

  13. Haley used bad judgement in picking someone she didn’t know well for a part-time boyfriend. She was too young & inexperienced to recognize the signs of a violent stalker. She deserved 1000% better than that dweeby little nutcase. R.I.P.

  14. His friends are delusional (except that one woman who thinks he did it). What more proof do they need: a film of his strangling her? I’m very glad he was convicted. His uncaring attitude in the courtroom shows he had no remorse.


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