The Most Underrated JRPG On Every Console! (With the fans!)

This is a list of what I consider as the most underrated JRPG on every console out there. I also share my viewers’ picks.
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38 thoughts on “The Most Underrated JRPG On Every Console! (With the fans!)”

  1. My PS4 pick would go to Blue Reflection. A turn-basedRPG with a magical girl coating. It really surprised me and honestly was the game that made me try out Atelier since it was also made by Gust.

  2. Thanks Erick for all the great content! I really appreciate hearing your thoughts on all things RPGs and look forward to enjoying the Channel in the years to come! You Rock sir!👍👍👍

  3. Thank you for the video, there are a lot of interesting games here!

    Man, discovering some good JRPGs is one of the hardest things on the internet, everyone keeps talking about the same game eternally, so thanks for this video with ACTUALLY surprising picks!

  4. For the Wii-U exclusive games there's Xenoblade Chronicles X, Paper mario Color Splash , and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, also ported to the Switch there's Tokyo Mirage Sessions

  5. No offense.. but.. isn’t obscure and underrated the same thing? They’re both relatively unknown or undervalued. Overall good video though, keep up the good work my dude.

  6. Soul Hackers 2 is a such great game and people hate it because it's not a Persona. OH REALLY IT'S BECAUSE IT'S NOT A PERSONA!!!
    Soul Hackers 2 should receive more praise.

  7. In PS3 I could add "Folklore", its similar to pokemon you capture monster and use them to fight another monsters, those are monsters based in mythological creatures and I like mythology, the last part feels a little rushed but still a great game

  8. Oh man remember breath of fire one I spent a ton of hours on that one was so good. I miss the 80-90s era of squaresoft man they are one of the best. But love the video man!

  9. Of topic but i need help


    One of my comments does "violate their policy with cybermobbing. And they dont tell which comment it wa

    And when I report other videos and comments it get notthing and they are still here

  10. You could make a list 50+ long of underrated PS2 JRPGs. THE uncontested greatest platform for the genre ever, no question. You didn't even mention Dark Chronicle, or Steambot Chronicles, or Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, or Front Mission 4, or Stellar Deus: the Gate of Eternity, or Jade Cocoon 2, or Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter.

  11. I hope that there are some quality of life improvements for baten kaidos HD collection I was playing origins and I wish the battle went faster or at least make an easy mode

  12. I will stick with you: VANDAL HEARTS is one of the most underrated psone games! has to be first JRPG i EVER played! Funny story: founded the disc on a top of a mailbox without covers or anything. Waited 15-20 minutes and took it never looked back.

  13. Off topic but i wish square enix would do a collection of Soul blazer, illusion of gaia, terranigma, and secret of evermore. Like a "hidden gems" collection or something

  14. For ps2: Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts: Covenant.
    Not even a debate for me. Ps2 was an RPG treasure trove with many underrated choices, but these two I still go back to after 20 years.

  15. NES has to be The Guardian Legend

    SNES Earthbound – only became popular thanks to modern social media but was criminally overlooked originally.

    😮JRPG's on 64😂 Quest 64?

    Gamecube though Skies of Arcadia Legends 👍

    Wii – I don't know if you would call it an RPG but Little King Story is freeking fantastic and literally no one played it.

    Gameboy – Great Greed definitely.

    Gameboy Advance – Summon Knight 1

    DS – FF XII Revenant Wings. Very competent game with an excellent story. Very dismissed for being a DS spinoff of FF XII

    3DS – Crimson Shroud. Can be beaten in less than ten hours but tells a more compelling and better written story than all other RPGs on the system.

    PS1 – Freaking Vagrant Story, that games is so complex but lovingly crafted.

    PS2 – Breath of Fire – Dragon Quarter. People hated the game because it was different and experimental. I loved it for it and the ending still gives me shivers.

  16. I might get hate for this but I despise Eternal Sonata with a passion. It looks so good and the characters look really appealing and the setting sounds amazing on paper but when I played it… oh boy…

    All the fights are the same, mash attack until you can use special attack, rinse repeat. Characters are limited to two specials at anytime. Enemies are damage sponges and fights take way too long considering there is little to no strategy involved. The game expects you to fight every enemy to be at the right level for bosses and there are a LOT of them.

    The characters are paper thin with no development. The end game is rushed as it seems nothing really happens through the game and then bam, things get weird, make no sense and the game is over. I had such high expectations before it released and it became one of the most boring and disappointing games I've ever played. I pushed myself on all the way to the credits hoping something amazing would happen but it never did.

    And don't get me started on the unending monologue death scene. SHUT UP AND DIE, you're ruining the scene. What an absolute farce.

  17. Crystalis is amazing. It needs a remake. I remember getting stuck not knowing where to go in the mid game. But Crystalis is my all time favorite game. I have it CIB. My first love.

  18. I feel like the only person I know who liked Quest 64. Even if it was an unbalanced, easily broken mess.

    And I don't know if I would call radiant. Dawn underrated. It has gotten a sort of cult following in the decade since it's release. Most fire emblem fans know it's pretty great. Though maybe I'm biased because it's my favorite game in the whole series.

    Surprise to not even hear a mention of Tokyo Mirage sessions for the Wii u, because even though the game has its flaws, mostly in the story department, the soundtrack is pretty solid and the gameplay, especially on higher difficulties is awesome. Pretty great evolution of Shin Megami Tensei strange journey demon co-op system with encores.


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