The Most Overhyped Vehicle In War Thunder

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The British (or technically Canadian) Skink anti-air vehicle has been heavily requested by the War Thunder community for as long as I can remember. Gaijin did finally add it, but despite being a solid SPAA, practically no one plays it.

Check the channel “About” section for the link to the creator of my profile picture.

Songs used (in order from first to last):
Command and Conquer: Generals – Makin’ A Sweep, Fire For Peace, Comanche Down
Halo 3: ODST – Rain (Deference for Darkness)

Sound mods:
Epic Thunder (Pre-release)
Gunner HEAT PC Crew Voices Mod (Personal, go play the game: )

Second channel:
Reddit: /u/spookston
Discord: See my Patreon page.

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The Most Overhyped Vehicle In War Thunder


48 thoughts on “The Most Overhyped Vehicle In War Thunder”

  1. Btw spook u need to talk about gaijin nt allowing people to use alt accounts if ur on another platform im lvl 100 on ps but cant use my profile on pc like its 2022 and i can buy a 5 follar copy of rayman and they will apply it to ur account across the board pc xbox ps like its total bs

  2. Unpopular opinion, but I really did want the Skink in the game, but added to the American tree alongside the M4A5 Ram as a premium. Why? Because if you suck with open-top 40mm bofors, you're stuck with open top quad 50s until 7.7 – the Skink could have filled a gap in capability. Sometimes, you just feel like having a roof would be a godsend when you spawn in and are immediately strafed by German gun CAS.

  3. skink isn't used because
    1) 5.0 brit is barren as hell
    2) we all expected it to go to america to fill up that massive AA gap from the M16 to the M19A1 garbage dumpsterfire of an AA

  4. I enjoy the Skink greatly and would play it more if that didn't require me to play UK ground forces and suffer from a 50/50 shot of either penetrating and doing about as much damage as a penetrating 7.62mm round or having some BS volumetrics happen and fail to pen an M22 locust with a 17 Pdr.

  5. British players wanted the Skink to have a WW2 AA that wasnt easy to yeet from strafing , people were hyped 4.7 was a gloruosly British Line up for it to fit in , 1 week and Gaijin put it at 5.0 effectivly killing it , you never want to Up tier british tanks so this would have to go into a 5.7 line up and far more planes at that point have cannons capable of penning you and tanks have far more armour

  6. Gaijin destroyed the hype for the vehicle just bc they needed to add truck AA .

    I do hate the fact that the 25mm AAs are now meta bc they require zero skill to use

    And for those who still say the wirlbel is op i have this message… Are you guys insane? You basically could use machine gun to kill the gunner not even 50cal.

  7. Like irl, the skink was added too late. Back then, when the game was more “realistic”, the only thing Britain had for SPAA between 2.0br and 6.7br was a crusader which had the same turret and weapon of the 2.0br SPAA and a crusader with 1 bofors. Now, you have to grind out two nonsense South African Cold War SPAAs to get it. One of it them having better armaments than the skink

  8. The issue I think is that everyone envisaged it as a wirbelwind competitor, but they went and slapped it at 5.0 as EVERY late war commonwealth vehicle has to be about .3 to 1.0 br higher than where it should be.

  9. The American players were hoping for the Skink because their only AA options at that techlevel is either the the awful AA truck with the 37 mm or the M19 slow pounder, all of which are open top and more more challenging to get hits with..

    The skink would've been a massive improvement to the American line along with the other canadian vehicles, but Gaijoob gave it to the brits who already had armored quad MG AA.

    TL;DR it was hyped to fix a gap in the American lower tier AA, but when it was delivered it was given to the brit tree, which doesn't care because it didn't need it.

  10. Skink is one of the best additions to the game imo. Finally, we got a AA vehicle for the mid-tier British tech tree, it's a huge improvement compared to Crusader AA. It lacks armour-piercing capabilities but against the planes, it's a monster and you feel safe under fire. Btw Skink looks very good and futuristic.

  11. The Skink hype makes more sense when you consider that the Skink should really be equivalent to the Wirbelwind, and for the longest time the Allies didn't really have any response to the German SPAA (Wirbel and Ostwind specifically), the Americans jump from M16 to M19 (which isn't necessarily an improvement) and the British went from Crusader AA Mk.II to the Falcon (!). And the less spoken about Soviet SPAA the better. So there was a huge hole in the Allied nations' SPAA capabilities, and the Skink was logically seen as something that could have addressed that situation as the Allied response to the German late-war SPAA vehicles.

    Wirbel specifically would've been the logical match-up. Both are late war 20mm medium tank based SPAA vehicles with rather limited production runs, so they are practically identical in terms of role and presence in history. The Skink gets a bit better protection because of the enclosed turret, but the Wirbelwind has godly penetration with the HVAP shells.

    As a WW2 vehicle, the Skink should be probably be placed immediately after the Crusader AA Mk.II in Rank III, rather than after the the South African Ystervark and Bosvark (both of which are much more dangerous in SPAA role due to their very post-war guns).

    As for the BR placement, I think there are two options – raise the BR of the Wirbelwind and Ostwind to 5.0 to match the Skink, or drop the BR of the Skink to 3.7 to match the Wirbelwind and Ostwind.

    Or, more realistically, put them both at around 4.0 or 4.3, which would make a lot more sense overall than either of the extremes.

    The problem with these out of whack BR placements Gaijin likes to do is that they create a situation where practically only the best and bravest of players even bother playing the vehicle, while most players just discount it as useless at that BR (not necessarily an incorrect judgement). This means Gaijin will not really see the actual capabilities of the vehicle represented in their statistics, and any BR adjustments will be slow to appear.

    If the entire playerbase played the Skink at its current BR, the collective performance statistics would probably plummet pretty quickly.


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