The MOST OP start in Endless Delve – how to NOT DIE at level 1

Zizaran explains how to get instantly super strong in the Endless Delve event!
We’ve heard of many people struggling with the first node and quickly put a video together for you.

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29 thoughts on “The MOST OP start in Endless Delve – how to NOT DIE at level 1”

  1. I just used caustic arrow after dying a few times at the first node lol. Dot chaos is quite godly at lower level without much of any chaos or dot dmg node investment. It carried me all the way to lv28 till I can use the skill that I wanted to main.

  2. I tried purifying flame to start, but I just kept getting stunned out of it. I didn't think to do zombies as padding, though, so that's really key to keep the enemies off you! I eventually got through node one (SC) with many deaths, but using the claw with frost blades. The 50% mana cost really helps with early level mana regen and people with bad reflexes like me!

  3. No trouble here this time.
    Lots of trouble when I got -30% resist suddenly with no bench to fix it.

    Why they acknowledge the need of weapons for support without giving any armor to not die immediately is beyond me though.

    Just start everyone with this:

    Miner Helmet
    100 armor
    50 life
    +100% light radius
    Grants level 5 steelskin

  4. Until lvl 70 was actually quite easy with a duellist-champion, but after that its just a paint to continue, the momenent the enemies have 2 archnem mods and you lack the crafting bench is just annoying as hell without lucky drops till that point.
    I was just res capped cause I picked around 40% all res from the tree+purity of elements and endurance charges otherwise it would have been impossible to do without the bench rlly.

  5. I mean yea, that's great, thank you. It's amazing that you have to use a specific strat. to get through the first node deathless. I died with witch, freezing pulse – arcane surge – ele pro. Summer & remnant 5 times before getting passed it.

  6. it was fun at first, but without all the tools we usually have for gearing it got immensely grindy, especially with how rough archnemesis rares are. You just hit a wall at one point and are forced into a long time of moving sideways looking for gear drops and fossils to try to progress. I guess it's fine for a short side event.


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