The most lightest punishment of Jhanum | Hell | #ytshorts

most litest punishment of jhanum
Jahannam or Hell is a place made by Allah to punish evildoers in the afterlife. The concept of levels in Jahannam is based on the weight of the sins committed by the sinner. Muslims believe that there are seven levels of Jahannam, just like seven levels of heaven. These are also referred to as the gates to hell and are associated with different kinds of punishments that are both physical and spiritual in nature.

Prophet Muhammed, peace and blessings be upon him, is the beloved Prophet of Allah and it is said that his Ummah(people), who are Muslims, will be sent to Jannah after finishing their punishments. It is believed that in the afterlife no one dies and when the human/jinn burned to ashes in Jahannam, they will be returned to the healthy form and will be punished in the same way again. This cycle will go on until Allah forgives them.

Punishment of Hell (Jahannam) in the Quran

Zaid ibn Ismail
What is Hell (Jahannam) in the Quran?
The Quran describes Hell as a blazing fire with seven levels of punishment depending on the sins committed, the worst sins being rejection of Allah’s existence and making partners with Him. The Quran states: ‘‘When it is said to them, Fear Allah, pride carries them off to sin. Hell will be their proper place. What an evil place to rest!’
Punishments in Jahannam
In Islam there are only two final destinations possible for humans – Paradise or Hell. Both are stated in the Quran as being in existence today and are the absolute opposites of each other. Just as Paradise houses the pure and forgiven, Hell is the abode of the impure and the unforgiven.

It is a religious requirement that there is in a Muslim’s heart fear of Allah and His punishment. Just as He has created Paradise perfectly for enjoyment by people, He has also created Hell perfectly for the punishment of His slaves. The One who created the human body, knows well how it can be punished.

Hadith about Jahannam
In a Hadith, ‘Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates: Rasulullah (SAW) said: “Hell had been lit for one thousand years until its flames became red. Again it was heated for another thousand years till its color became white. Still again it was burnt for a further thousand years and its white color flames turned pitch black.” (Tirmidhi)

7 Levels of Jahannam
The names Hell has been given are:

1. Al-Jaheem
Because of its blazing fire.
2. Jahannam
Because of the depth of its pit

3. Lazaa
The intensity of its flames.

4. Al-Sa’eer
Blazing flame which is kindled and ignited.

5. Saqar
The intensity of its heat.

6. Al-Hatamah
broken pieces, debris because it breaks and crushes the things that are thrown into it.

7. Al-Haawiyah
like a chasm or abyss

Hell has been described with different names and some have taken these names to mean levels. They could also be descriptions of Hell rather than the levels within it.
Tree of Zaqqum in Jahannam
According to the Quran, the Tree of Zaqqum springs out of the pit of Hell having roots growing at the bottom, being nourished by the fire. The Quran describes the shoots of its fruit stalks as being like the heads of the devils in appearance, being ugly and repulsive.

It has been made as a trial for the wrongdoers. The people of Hell will be forced to eat from the tree of Zaqqum because they will not find anything else to eat. The fruits of this tree will neither nourish not relieve the hunger.
Who will go to Jahannam first?
In a hadith of Muslim narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA) the Prophet (SAW) said the first of people to enter Hell will be a man who died a martyr but not for Allah, only so that people would call him courageous. Another man will be one who studied religious knowledge so that people would call him knowledgeable. Another man who was rich but who had spent his wealth to be seen by people as being generous.


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