The Most Insane Game I've Ever Seen

#warhammer #totalwar #multiplayer #landbattle #dlc #rts

Board Game:


18 thoughts on “The Most Insane Game I've Ever Seen”

  1. it depends on the CP in an area and the butchers had all 16 models still and more than double the HP of Ikit. so the mechnic itself makes sense. why should 16 butchers run away from an almost dead doomwheel? would've the rat ogres been nearby Ikit, the butchers woldn't have rallied

  2. I imagine it being in function of gold value, because you have to keep track of finite quantities to compare. So the game tracks the gold value of the unit as it get diminished, and checks periodically, if the routing unit is higher, it rallies. Just a guess

  3. "I don't like that the unit ikit was chasing rallied despite them having twice his health" also "ikit is now fighting that unit he was chasing that he has no business fighting"

    I mean, c'mon dude, what are you complaining about exactly? That a stronger unit isn't running away from a weaker one?

    As a morale system it works mostly well even if it is a bit inconsistent at times.


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