The MOST Important Documentary of our Time! | Buddy Brown

Watch “Letter to the American Church” Here!


49 thoughts on “The MOST Important Documentary of our Time! | Buddy Brown”

  1. Some churches are still requiring face coverings, masks, to attend services. Even if they were open during the health scare insanity they were still of Satan and doing his work. If they were decent people they would apologize and show sincerity by trying to make amends as best they can at this point. The preachers should get up there and say they’re sorry and why they are sorry and how everyone can begin to make amends and start apologizing for participating in Satan’s schemes.

  2. Churches have been clubs since the beginning. I think it’s very weird how we concentrate on NAZI Germany when Stalin’s influence contributed to over double the deaths of Hitler and the entire world is currently being influenced by Socialists and Communists, including the US, and not NAZI’s. Mao, Pol Pot, N Korea, Venezuela, Vietnam and Cuba were all results of Stalinism.

  3. Amen, amen, amen….🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    Read your Bible everyday, non-ceasing praying and stand for Jesus Christ, share the gospels!

  4. Thank you, I can’t wait to watch that movie after work today!! Do you mind mentioning the name of that church in Florida that you referred to? I’ve heard of quite a number of troubling and immoral things happening in not just one but many of these so-called “mega churches”

  5. On our farm we usually had two or three dogs to keep coyotes away from farm animals. We had a mix breed that I never did understand his actions, When I ask my grand dad why my dog tries to hang out with the coyotes, which they did not like, grand dad said it was because he did not know any better and son looks can be deceiving. Thank you for your work in unraveling the truth.

  6. Actually, America was put under the "Emergency War Powers Act" in 1933. So this nation really isn't that much different from Nazi Germany. Churches signed up for tax-exempt status in the 1960's under the new IRS code, Section 501c3. Since that time, things have only gotten worse. If Christians really want to fight against the corruption of this nation, they must first take off the self-imposed legal handcuffs which they are currently held in bondage to.

  7. The church or Christians are lukewarm. Everyone is accountable to reach/preach to the lost MASSES. Reach out and touch someone with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Make your stand for Christ Jesus ❤✝️🛐 WAKE up!

  8. I quit church yrs ago. We were poor and my brother, sister and I went to church every Sunday. We gave a quarter a piece that's what we had, this was in the early 60's. The preacher and elders of the church came to our house and told my father we couldn't come back bc we didn't give enough money to the church. Maybe 6 months later they came back and ask my father if we could return and he said no. After that I went a few times but if judging others, talking about everyone, gay marriages and the preacher talking more about himself then God is a church then I'm glad I'm not a church goer. Jesus can be found anywhere, you don't have to go to church to worship God.

  9. I just want to add the books author’s name is Eric Metaxis. He is a renowned author who wrote the biography on Bonhoeffer. I’m so glad a movie has been made because for those who don’t read, the warnings he gives us, the church in America, will finally be heard. May God be with His people as we fight the good fight to advance His kingdom.

  10. I’ts hard to stand up for what is right, especially if your friends are on the wrong side. This is where you have that moment when your relationship with God is far more important than any friend or family member. That is why God gave us a free will to choose. Choose wisely.


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