The Most DANGEROUS Places On Earth

20 Most Dangerous Places On Earth. There are some places on Earth that are so dangerous that you should never visit them, even if you’re desperate for a vacation. There are lakes that can kill you in an hour, caves that will boil you alive, and radioactive islands where the rats will give you bubonic plague.
Join us, as we take a look at twenty of the most dangerous places on Earth that you should definitely avoid visiting at any cost.

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3 thoughts on “The Most DANGEROUS Places On Earth”

  1. Holy… many many similar videos and doco's exist, fascinating sure, but when you get to fraser island… ('surely they can't mean our fraser island, holiday destination?') off the coast of qld … holy .. no way, you wont find anything at fraser island except a luxurious holiday destination, oh my word, and it then… i can't take any of these other 'death spots' seriously, if fraser island is one of the worlds most dangerous spots, then the quiet culdesac i live in, in the burbs should have an army of soldiers keeping tourists away.. f me … wow..
    i'll go so rediculously out on a limb to say, some muppet in the 80s tried to scam, lie, blame the ghost in the mirror for something to deflect from a muppet taking responsibility, (wow, the shock, someone not taking responsibility for their failures) deflected and blamed a wild animal for their failures, it's long since been proven as such, to help your argument, since then… a wild animal has bitten a human…. reported … once … in the 40years since …. but i gotta tell you, sometimes, i'll play with my family border collie, and i move my arm at just the wrong moment, as my family pet moves its head at just the wrong moment.. and sometimes… i get a little scratch as a result …. Seriously… imagine your tourist hotspot that is a pristine beach and camping location, then you watch one of these most dangerous locations videos and its what number 4? holy mcshit….


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