The most beautiful airplane camp of the year (ribeye)

PIREPs have mentioned the strip being soft. That’s not unfair, exactly, but I think it overstates the case, at least when dry. If wet, I could imagine it being soupy and sticky pretty quickly.

It’s plenty long, but tight. Directional control is at a real premium. If you make an excursion, your in the bushes and rocks in a heartbeat. In addition to being tight, it *looks* really tight. So the landing will really get your full attention.

Once on the ground, it’s an awesome place. There are several camping spots and a UTV road off the end of the runway that provides tons of easy hiking to the many, many vistas of the surrounding canyons and mountains. Despite being very remote, there is good quality cell coverage.


6 thoughts on “The most beautiful airplane camp of the year (ribeye)”

  1. I have been to this strip a few times but on a motorcycle. Love that area and loved your drone footage. A few questions… Did you hit Cal Black? That's as close as I dare to get to Nokia Dome in my Cherokee 235 lol. This must be the replacement to the old plane you lost? When the video started I assumed that was old footage with you in the Maule but then I see its a different ship. That steak looked great. Which other strips did you do on this trip? I enjoyed the whole video!


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