The Monster awakens! What's the Aftermath of SpaceX's Starship Booster 9 Static Fire?

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34 thoughts on “The Monster awakens! What's the Aftermath of SpaceX's Starship Booster 9 Static Fire?”

  1. If we’re lucky, there could be a launch this late October. But I’ll place my bet it’ll happen mid January or early February of next year. But if we’re unlucky and an environmental assessment is needed we’ll probably see a launch no later than March of 2024.

  2. I somehow lost hope that they will launch in August … But I can imagine another attempt in September. The wait/hype for the next launch is clearly dominating this Summer for me =J (Which I enjoy a lot!)

  3. The frequency of the commercial interruptions made me stop viewing the video about halfway through. .. .
    Although it probably doesnt matter much to anyone, I'll unsubscribe from your channel. Too many damn commercials at inopportune times! 😐

  4. We are all very concerned about the raptor engine's reliability: it appears that about 10% of the raptors fail within second at every test as well as the first lauch. I believe the root problem is that the high temperature and pressure during combustion is a bit beyond the limits of the materials comprising the inner surfaces of the engine. If so, this might be an extremely serious and possibly insurmountable problem for the starship program.

  5. Serious Question: Why dont they launch this and his other small ones from a Silo in the ground? Just curious as most things like a Bullet to old Cannonballs to Modern Nukes all get "ejected" from a cylinder shaped surrounding. Is it like a Physics Wieght/Thrust thing?
    Just seems they get more fuel efficiency if the thrust was somewhat "contained" to eject the Rockets as opposed to slowly "pushing" off the ground in an open area.

  6. They should just build a 500 mile long gradual incline track with super conductors and haul ass to get the rocket high enough to be launched like the virgin galactic ship launches 😂

  7. I'm 90 miles from Cape Canaveral and watch SpaceX launches every time they lift off. One time I watched the Falcon touch down from Melbourne. It was a perfect landing.

  8. Great to catch back up Felix and the WAI Team! I've been very busy at work so I apologize for the lack of communication. So excited for this!!! What do you think is next? And to answer your question…I'm thinking late September, mid October. I think Elon wants the new hardware FULLY tested prior to this launch. I'm sure he doesn't want nor need anymore bad press about parts flying into the Gulf. Also, they are making huge strides in the iteration and production side of things so they need to get something in the air!!!

  9. 10:50 i only imagine one reason why the owner don't sell this piece of land. Money. i don't think spaceX will under pay for this piece of land because it will cost more if they do that. it's most likely that the owner know that his tiny piece of land is inside facility and intentionally don't sell it to jack the price and spaceX just won't Buy this land at that price and it goes to court.

  10. Asteroid exploration makes craploads of sense. Scientifically, of course, however more importantly, to the money people, are the commercial aspects of mining and processing in space. We can cover Mars and orbit with robots for the cost of a human voyage. And what about the 'bots? There is a need for so many different types!

  11. Did it work? Aka did the deluge system protect the pad? You said you'd answer that question but all you've done is show footage of the test but it's all about the aftermath and like all other people covering this nobody has shown 1 pic of the deluge plate after the test fire. Why???

  12. I very much like what Felix brings to the table. He's right in your face and his enthusiasm is infectious. I have today that I wish he'd whiten his teeth or cap them. It's an improvement that begs to happen–he's front and center up close and personal. Sorry if this doesn't go down well.

  13. I believe I know why the booster has failures they are starting the deluge system too soon not allowing all the boosters to ignite and the steam is keeping them from igniting please look Into it


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