The Money Systems are crumbling in New Earth..

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46 thoughts on “The Money Systems are crumbling in New Earth..”

  1. Yes – I'm fearful. I'm just about 71, retired, and watching my current IRA go NOWHERE! I was hoping that I'd experience some growth over the past few years but it's basically just sat there and done nothing under our current administration (timeline). The U.S. is becoming a 'Third World' country before our very eyes!
    Yes – the media is dictating our experiences in the world! That's why they're called "Fake" and "Woke".

  2. This was fantastic, Thank you so much. I never heard or thought of money in this way….about expansion of ourselves. It is definitely a new Paradigm I am going to grow into! Thank you so much!! <33

  3. Unfortunately you are wrong. Root chakra represents our safty but not in terms of wealth, but in terms of our basic needs, which are water, food and shelter. This is a very serious misunderstanding of anscient hinduism concept, perpetuated in some new age collectives in western countries. So sad… Here is a short story which explains a little bit the case: A man once said to Budda: "I want happiness". Budda replied: First remove "I" that's ego, than remove "want" that's desire. And now all you are left with is happiness. End of the story. Why people are so crazy about money? To fulfill their desires. It will not give you happiness, and basic needs has nothing to do with wealth. By the way, expansion is related to the old world. People were always too expansive, that was the reason of collonization, occupation of other countries and wars. Human's greed and desire of expansion is the reason of so many desasters including climate change and pollusion. New Earth is rather ment to be about "being" not "having" and "expanding". And the last thing: If people use anscient wisdom to talk about spirituality, they should understand better this wisdom. It is just a friendly advise, I really am not a hater ❀

  4. Hi Ella, recently discovered you and am really enjoying your information, question, what about the universal law, I thought what you give away comes back to you, how can we over-give? I don’t have much at all I lost everything I had, I guess it was a soul experience..I feel I have a need to rescue all the stray or abused animals to the point it’s painful..

  5. Hello, Wonderful video, Question for you: I have noticed you run a lot of fire energy in you vids especially the other one as you describe the New Earth. Do you pump up like your fire, or wind chakras before you do your video's, or is that just your natural high, or both? My guess is you center and balance 1st then pump up the vibrations you are trying to show or attract with you videos? So the videos are an extension of your waking meditations? If this is such, do you have a road map on how to or is that what your course on power activation is? Thanks a bunch.

  6. Ella I have been meditating last few days and was suddenly led to your channel 2 days ago. I know that everything is a frequency game and I've got to be resonating at a frequency similar to you to even see this video! I also wanted to mention a mantra called 'Shreem Brzee' which creates a 200% life both spiritual and material that ties into what you were saying about spiritual people needing to be wealthy materially. Thank you so much and appreciate your content a lot!

  7. All well and good, but everything is preprogrammed. The illusion of freevwill is the toxin of this world. People are born with everything they are experiencing..The only thing to do is watch your life happen. Surrender to the experience.. No book, seminar, religion, or revelation is going to change your path. The moment you "decide " to turn your life around was already planned to happen before you were born.

  8. You just vibed right into my journey yesterday! I would like to book a call with you but not sure if I should book the Power Activation or the Psychic Clarity? And will the call be recorded? I’ve had interesting visions during ceremonies that I need help to decipher plus I really would like to know my mission. Like I see the Universal Grid, DNA strands, machine world, etc. I know I’m a Lightworker yet not knowing what’s next. This last ceremony I (think) I was singing and seeing Light Language and codes. The shaman said a new portal was placed in me for downloads.

  9. Dear Ella, could you please expand on how we can invite an abundance of health into our lives? How can we heal ourselves? If you have any of the client examples that would be so incredible to hear. Also your own since you have talked about your childhood. How were you able to heal that trauma emotionally after it went away physically? I am at a point in my life where physical pain doesn't allow me to do much and I am just 25. It would be an immense gift to hear about this from you. Thank you. You have expanded my life tremendously over the past few years. Thank you! All the love <3

  10. Love this message. I stopped and clapped when you talked about the power we conscious leaders can have when we have money vs the unconscious dark leaders and what they are doing with money. Also you are radiant πŸ™‚


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