The Missing God of the Elder Scrolls

Lorkhan, Shor, Sep, Shezarr, the Missing God goes by many names but is there some core truth?

0:00 – Introduction
3:11 – Why Lorkhan?
7:31 – Aldmer | Lorkhan
12:55 – Bosmer | Lorkhan
14:44 – Yokudan | Sep
20:45 – Breton | Sheor
22:25 – Dunmer | Lorkhan
26:01 – Khajiit | Lorkhaj
30:31 – Nords | Shor
31:42 – Imperial | Shezarr
33:33 – Reachmen | Lorkh
35:04 – Argonian | Sithis
36:22 – Orcs | ???
36:47 – Mythic Dawn
40:42 – Lunar Lorkhan
42:38 – Heart of Lorkhan
46:07 – Meaning of Mundus
50:53 – Shezzarines
57:03 – Talos 2.0?

Vivec Explained:
Origins of Man Theory:




32 thoughts on “The Missing God of the Elder Scrolls”

  1. Scott, Pelinal isn't Lorkhan's brother and Lorkhan isn't the father of Morihaus. Pelinal is the Reincarnation of Lorkhan and Kynareth is Morihaus's mother and Pelinal calls him nephew so that means Lorkhan is Morihaus's uncle and Kyne's Sibling since all gods are siblings.

  2. I have a question. Do you think that Auriel/Akatosh actually did complete the Psijic Endevour upon his "ascension" and realised the true goal behind Lorkhan's actions and deception and this is why he then favoured Men and Alessia's rebellion. His realization of the true meaning of the great challange and a sort of thankfullness and way to make ammends for his actions in the Dawn Era.

  3. I still think that each player charater is a Shezzarine. Think about it. Each protagonist can choose whatever form they wish, they always appear amidst a time of change and all shape the fate of their part of Nirn.

  4. I gotta say champ, I couldn't recommend this to an Elder Scrolls noob. They'd have to have at least a couple of dozen hours under their belt to understand the basics

  5. I’m not gonna lie, every time I hear Mankar Camoran speak, I take it as gospel truth. It all just makes too much sense to me. πŸ˜… lucky I’m not an inhabitant of Nirn or I’d be mythic dawner for sure.

  6. Skyrim idea: Artemis: Artemis is a male agronian archer who is said to have found the bow of the real Nordic goddess Artemis in an ancient ruin, since then he has trained to be the best archer in black marsh.
    One day while training, in the distance he spotted bandits running towards the village and instead of warning everyone he decided to take his training to the next level and raised his bow and arrow in their direction, as he pulled back the arrow he heard a voice seeming to come from the bow saying focus he then realized that this is not only the bow of Artemis but that is was Artemis herself he then pulled back his bow and swiftly took out the bandits, he told everyone in the village what he had accomplished and was named Artemis by the leader. After that day he was on a mission, a mission to be the best known archer in the Tamriel and decided to start his journey in Skyrim but was in-tangled in the imperial ambush and was assumed to be a stormcloak scout and just as he was about to be beaded a dragon came to save his scales, he assumed it to be a blessing for Artemis and now travels the forests and snow lands of Skyrim hunting animals and bandits to perfect his archery

    Weapons: dwarven bow(Artemis bow), dragonbone dagger(gift from his grandfather)
    And the rest you can decide!
    (Edit: he’s also a bit of a thief)

  7. thank you for another amazing video, please make an updated version of the build Dreamweaver, been 7 years and would like to see what changes would be made with the new mods that have come out, it's my favorite build

  8. The thing I find most intriguing about the creation myth(s) we've been shown thus far, is that this is only the version known to Tamriel. There is a vast other-continent across the sea; the land from which the Akaviri hail. Which, very-likely, has its own creation myth(s). In all probability, very different from the ones we know. And who's to say which land's myths bear more truth within TES universe? The Akaviri are said to be a race far older than even the Aldmeri. And older still are the great dragons that rule as tyrants there. What would they say about how Nirn came to be, I wonder…

  9. I have a theory, the Nedes weren't tribal, they were actually an advanced and civilized warrior race/Knightley aka the Knights of Tamriel and embodiments of chivalry since both the Imperials and the Bretons are their descendants and their culture lives on in High Rock and Cyrodiil. Also Pelinal Whitestrake was a Nede since he was a knight and he's the mortal incarnation of Shezarr, who is Knightley and Anti-Elven and the creator of the human species in Imperial myths and they believe that he created the Nedes, it makes sense that the Nedes were Knightley/advanced and civilized warrior race aka the Knights of Tamriel. And they created the some of the cities of High Rock and Cyrodiil during the Merethic Era.

    Also the Nedes believe in their pantheon, the Ancient Imperial Pantheon aka Nedic Pantheon which consisted of Shezarr, Kynareth, Dibella, Arkay, Mara, Stendarr, Julianos, Zenithar and Akatosh or whatever name he was known during that time. And since the Nedes hated the Elven species and the Elven gods especially Auriel and so did the Ancient Imperials, Alessia created Akatosh. Shezarr isn't completely forgotten since he's the most important god to Imperial Knights and some Bretons.

  10. Concept of dead trickster-god influencing world after his death while deciving everyone – even gods – is so interesting.
    Also – Unrelated but I've got my own theory:
    Nocturnal is true Deadric Prince of Fate.

    If shadows in TES are described by Ezra Nightwielder as a "record of conflict and every possible outcome – past, present and future" and as such shadow magic can change the future by influencing those possibilities then wouldn't that make Nocturnal the Deadric Prince of Fate?

    Nocturnal blesses thieves with "fortune" or just plain luck. But isn`t luck just a series of small fates?
    Nocturnal`s mystery have resemblance with mysterious ways of the fate – both equally not understandable to mortals.

    Also, Nocturnal has the most stories of mortals "tricking" or "stealing" from her. But is she just respectful of their skills, or she just lets them think they tricked her – as part of her plan? With unknowing pawns doing her Will while thinking it is of their own volition.

    In Nightingales vol.1 Gallus Desidenius says about Skeleton Key and "abstract meaning of unlocking […] unlocking hidden potential" – its vague enough that it could mean anything but it can be interpreted as something that Ezra Nightwielder did – merging all possible version of himself.

    He also can`t understand why Nocturnal even allows skeleton key to be stolen. It points towards my earlier point.

    Another thing – probably a big stretch – The Grey Fox mask's power is to make wielder vanish from history and people's memories, sounds a little bit like retroactively choosing a different fate.

    Also -a thought unrelated to nocturnal – The dragon breaks. Arent they shadow manifested? All possible outcomes -i n that case not bound by linear time logic – made true.


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