The Master Plan! | Project Hospital – Part 32 (Hospital Simulator Game)

Project Hospital continues and with our financial problems not going away we carry out… the master plan! A grand plan, formulated by myself, to sort out our money woes for once and for all! And what’s step one? Ah, well, erm, it’s a little trip to the bank…

We then invest in lots of lovely flashy-lights-nee-naw machines in order to get the Quick-Snap care insurance people on-board, plus this does also bring in some more patients which is quite helpful.

Soon enough some money comes our way so we invest it in a new blood lab which we kit out with multiple bits of blood lab equipment, just in case more kit speeds things up a bit.

We then have to deal with our very first event, a somewhat disastrous explosion at a local power plant. Many people come in quite badly injured but of particular note is Elizabeth Green who has a very desperate fight for survival on her hands.

Also there’s a sad moment as we get to see our pathology department doing something at last, we curse ourselves by saying “No sign of this particular thing” and we hire more people in Infectious Diseases.

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Epic Games Creator Code: THEGEEKCUPBOARD


Become an ace doctor, an aspiring architect and a successful manager at the same time. Design your very own hospital, tweak every detail or choose one of the prebuilt scenarios and just jump to the doctor’s duty.

Contract different insurance companies to gain access to patients with interesting medical conditions, perform examinations, laboratory tests and use various equipment to solve the diagnostic puzzles. Hospitalize your patients, perform surgery and more!

Use a collection of various objects, materials and colors to make it truly yours or save your time and use one of many different prefabs.

From hiring to specializations, from doctors to janitors, make sure everybody is doing a great job and finds satisfaction in their work.

Help your doctors and walk them through the most complicated cases or just follow your favorite patients.

There are a few different modes in Project Hospital:
Tutorial levels will guide your through the basics of treating patients and running hospitals.
Sandbox mode offers endless hours of content, building anything from small clinics to huge multi-storey hospitals, starting from scratch or in one of pre-built hospitals or clinics in case you want to jump straight into management. Run you own ambulance service and help handle events and emergencies.
The campaign will put you in the shoes of a crisis manager trying to save a few hospitals in critical state.
6 challenge levels will test your skills and let you focus on the intricate details of individual specialized departments.


Channel graphics designed by Penge in The Geek Cupboard.

Additional audio:
Music to Delight Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


28 thoughts on “The Master Plan! | Project Hospital – Part 32 (Hospital Simulator Game)”

  1. They were waiting for surgical teams and I’m not sure you have a team on overnights traumatology. Might’ve helped to get an additional surgical staff for that. Love that the hospital can continue on with the master plan.

  2. That did have me a bit on the edge of my seat at times. I was really hoping that Elizabeth Greene would pull through, but she was just too badly hurt to wait so long for a surgical team.
    Perhaps before another event like that happens, check the surgical areas to be sure you have enough operating rooms, doctors and nurses on both day and night shifts to be able to handle the patient-load. Just an idea…
    Your "Master Plan" has worked out well. And now you can get on with fixing up some departments to make them more efficient.

  3. Hi Penge as a nurse of your hospital team, I’ve worked very hard to help in the event, I’m very sorry we didn’t saved Elizabeth Green. Our thoughts go to the family but we want that the government will find who caused the incident and put in jail.

  4. during your event it showed that you lack surgery teams, and rooms to operate them in, so you took way to long to take care of the input, so you should add a surgery team and room before you take on events again.

  5. 10:35 Typical youtuber SYNDROME. LITTERALY HAD a nurse right above that had 55% patient care and 43% medical surgery WITH 2 REVELEAD GREAT PERKS NO HIDDEN ONES!!!!!!
    What youtuber does is have a YOUTUBER SYNDROM and choses a person that is 20% patient care and medical surgery 12% also have mex/okayish perk WITH 1 HIDEN. GREAT JOB YOU CAN EVEN BE LIKE HEY ISNETAD OF RUMBLING NONSENSE MAYBE JUST MAYBE YOU WILL GO THRU ALL OF THE OPTIONS AND NOT OH I SEE THIS WELP YOU IN?? JUST TRY THAT FOR A CHANGE.

  6. If you look at all of your patients, you’ll see that the majority of them have masses of undiagnosed symptoms. The ones that are flashing are critical symptoms causing them to crash. You need more doctors for your wards (ones that aren’t on the surgical teams) so more patients can have tests performed quicker and treatments initiated before they crash. Surgery isn’t the only form of treatment for these patients. If someone has a fast heart rate a tablet will stop them crashing, but if there’s no doctor to prescribe it they’ll crash. That’s why you’re having so many crashes all the time. You need at least one if not two more doctors in infectious diseases. And look at their specialties when hiring them. You don’t need anaesthesiologists to be doing your diagnosis and treatments in infectious diseases. You need advanced diagnosis.

  7. I just finished the episodes so far. Very good series.

    I have been in a similar situation with the budget.

    I will try to explain as simply as I can, as it is a lot of stuff to keep up with in the game.

    The first thing is:

    Clinic and Hospitalization are two separate sets of things. Diagnostic units are the clinic cabinets but for hospitalized patients. So you need a good number to support daynight shift work.

    Especially if you are having 100+ people in the hospital.

    Plan out at least 10 beds per RW/HDU in departments and Observation/Trauma center/ICU.

    With all departments in place, tackling events will be easy.

    Split doctors and nurses caring for patients in wards and HDUs from doctors doing operations.

    Use the enable/disable functions for different tasks.

    Nurses caring for patients around the hospital are important, you need to have a number of them. Also, the transportation beds.

    If a patient needs to go to a specific department, the nurse at the ward/HDU in that department will run to get that patient from the trauma center or observation or whatever place it is.

    Pay attention to all patients coming from the trauma center in the emergency with the ambulance.

    Learn to work with patient lists both from events and ones located in the departments. Especially if it is full.

    You will want to make sure the low-paid patients are put to stay in trauma or observation and make sure they will not be put in anything higher than that.

    Run regularly through the list of patients in departments and take care of high-paid patients. Avoid sending them to ICU. Unless it is inevitable.

    Split lab tests, clinic patients, and hospitalized patients must go to different labs and radiology. It is very important. Otherwise, they will block out each other.

    It is best if you can fit small cabinets for each department, but it depends on the floor layout. At least split them clinic/hospitalized line and it will help.

    There is a worker skill ( people person ) that unlocks hidden perks or flaws in workers. By this time you should have already unlocked the majority of your hospital perks or flaws.

    Go over them and clean the ones that have really bad ones. Replace with people that don't have them.

    It is not necessary for the hospitalized patient to get treatment in the assigned department. Look at the treatment description you will see where else it can be done. So if you don't have beds, change department to another ward or HDU and allow doctors there to take care. Once treatment is known they will know what to do.

    Events are a great way to make money, but you need to be on it for the entire process and try to fix flow issues. In the clinic, you should strive to reduce the number of blood tests and x-ray tests. As they do it quite often for things that do not require it. Adjust the clinic precision from department settings. But you will need better doctors.

    Check the listed possible diagnoses. It is ok to send the patient to a different department before the doctor decides to. It will save time and allow the doctor to focus on another patient instead.

    In general, practice going through patient lists.

    Also, learn to put certain patients on your own list down (pin the patient card) and monitor them. It is a quite an interesting task to do.

    I was even in a worse situation and got out. Don't give up. Check my notes above and try them. Also, remove the papers and use only printers, papers slow down the doctor and the overall process.

    I hope that will help you to get out of the situation that you are in.

  8. Well done reversing the budget! Such a shame that event happened at night when you were understaffed. Hopefully you'll have more luck with the next event, otherwise it'll keep resetting that other mission.

  9. Good job pulling through!
    Hm, there definitely seems to be issues with patients getting treatment in time, surgeries in some departments, maybe diagnosis in others. Ah, if you do need more isolation wards (though you seem fine) it may be easier or cheaper just to do small walls with windows and the air pressure door.
    Also wall report – from a previous episode, one of the privacy walls by double door closer to the edge of the map in Orthopedics hospitalization is unwallpapered. Otherwise I haven't seen anything missing.

  10. falling off of stretchers People don't seem to understand how terrifying it can be, just imagine letting yourself fall straight on the cold tiling with your hands tied behind your back….ouch.


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