The Marketing Reason Why Elden Ring Can't Add "Easy Mode"

this is truly the dark souls of Marketing Mondays



0:00 Intro
1:22 Sponsor
2:08 Demon Souls and what it did differently
3:37 Unique UI/UX
5:40 Fromsoft’s Brand
7:55 Why the “Dark Souls” difficulty?
11:20 Scarcity in Video Games
13:55 Brand Identity

Edited by kaage |
#atrioc #MarketingMonday #EldenRing


30 thoughts on “The Marketing Reason Why Elden Ring Can't Add "Easy Mode"”

  1. I think what’s so alienating for new players is that the game doesn’t tell you much. Elden Ring and souls games in general have tons of options to make the game easier. Grinding levels, using magic, summoning, all of these are dynamic and in-game options that allow you to shift the difficulty. Thing is; the game doesn’t tell you that necessarily.

  2. I hope the no summons no magic gatekeepers get stuck on redahn since it's a fight built around summons and quit, not because i don't want people to enjoy the game but because it would be tasty irony for them to be filtered.

  3. Easy mode is a can of worms. You'd probably have to redesign the multiplayer or split it for easy mode and normal mode players. Also strong enemies act as natural barriers right now and discourage weak characters from exploring high level areas. If you make those enemies easier, those natural barriers dissipate. If you still wanted to restrict players to certain areas, you'd have to add gates or something similar that don't open until boss x dies.

  4. I kind of think there are ways around this though. You can add an easy mode that does not grant achievements as one example of the top of my head. Then you can still say "I am a real hardcore gamer because I have the achievements" and the people who don't care and maybe just want to experience the story can still do so.

  5. Branding ? I hear what you are saying, but i feel it comes down to just very simple things.
    Nothing will make you dodge/parry better, Unless if they make it so enemies are slower, have dumber attack patterns, dumb the ai down, but then it's just a bad game.
    But here's the kicker, you can make it so you can take more, and you can DEAL more dmg, by just Opening your eyes > See this beautiful open world > And start exploring aka Enjoying the game as intended, thus collecting more and more key items, weapons and armor, talismans, potions, and most importantly consumable runes and or sub bosses..

    I'm gonna say what the developers are probably thinking too, the game got blown into popularity and now every "bad" player that shouldn't even touch mario cart is playing it, or attempted and stuck in beating the biggest boss of all > twitter, my own brother is like that 😂, he would play a game and i would stare at him and be like "yo how tf do you not see all that shit, you just missed a ladder, there is a big ass glowing rock HIT it or something" I would see mountains and i would climb just to see whats at the top, or to see the land from a higher angle, while others only climb mountains if they are led by the narrator and a big ass arrow is pointing towards it. To me games are sandboxes, i wanna see what can i do and what can't i. Seemingly the issue lies within the players not the games, am i asshole for saying it ? Who cares, i'm not here to cuddle with you. it's just a game, but we are talking about this game are we not.
    And the matter of the fact is I see ironic takes left and right starting with "I don't use no Crafting, no grease, no runes, i ran straight towards margit" ending in "This game is unfair and bullshit hard"

    I'm not a Souls elite guy, didn't play anything but sekiro and Ds3, but even i saw that horse guy and was like "yep, avoid" so i went to his left, found the church, went forward, hugged the wall, found two cave one after the other, got stronger, explored the area and so on and on, i didn't even attempt margit until i felt satisfied in clearing out the limgrave region. Wich was about 10-15 hours. I Killed both margit and the region boss in one go… Just cause i overleveled them, and learned to use the dodge in that time. It really isn't about "you're bad" i'm bad too 😂i just always loved open world games, my entire argument is wishing if people just enjoyed the enormousness and richness of this world. I usually play the game 2-3 hours, so you can do it in little slices if you'd like. It all comes down to if you even wanna play a open world game, you know what i mean ? It's almost as if people just came expecting a boss rush game.

    It really does saddens me, that this complaint wouldn't exist if people just enjoyed the game, but they think they're some sweaty nerd in a competitive Valorant environment and have to rush bosses. It saddens me that there is this fantastic world devs have built, and people just don't give two shits to explore it and even lash out on the devs for their own actions..
    People didn't go straight to Novigrad to take the boat to Skellige in witcher, did they ? No.. People explored, did quests, saw a whole lot of "hol up a minutes" and went with it, by the time one reached Skellige they were lvl 25 at least. But this is what happening on a massive scale with elden ring, people are going straight to skellige because they can't exist without someone holding their hand, aka the "big arrow" we were talking about earlier.. I actually witnessed this on a stream i watch often, someone new to this hopped in and people started shouting "FOLLOW THE LIGHT" – "GO TO MARGIT" and so she did.. Meanwhile my little voice in chat was like, "just explore, it's gonna be nice" but people don't understand what it means to explore, it means you go from one "oh whas dat ?" to the other, while also scanning the area and keeping a mental note of it and trying to go into the heads of the devs and figure out where would they put stuff. Because of that i found about 6-7 hidden walls 😂 I just looked at a wall, and i was like "Yeeee i can feel the disturbance in the power *Smaash"

    Good god, this idiotic argument is getting way to much attention for what it's worth. It really is dumb and simple, good people just explore and enjoy the game like you would any other game..

    Edit: regarding the ubisoft discourse.. Same thing again > worthless topic, just a red herring, a whining kid wanting attention. it truly is just pathetic, it would've been kind of cringe if only players did it, but no > ubisoft employees coming out of wood works in mass being really just disgusting online about the "rivalry"… That Aloy vs Seuna "Face" debate was pathetic i thought, then this comes out.. Sucks that i like Horizon, oh well i don't have to like the fans ¯_(ツ)_/¯ as the old saying goes, unless you finance me, feed me, or fuck me i'm not obliged to give a shit about you.

  6. Bro the fact souls players are upset at the new shit to make it a lil easier is funny asf ngl I’m a souls puritan myself and thought oh summons make this game easy mode and ur right it can but I’ve literally banged my head against the wall with an encounter and summoned some lil skeletons and boom I’m feeling like god rennalla the best one I did it on she has no poise made it easy asf to stun lock her just play the game how you want I’ve done most of my progress without the summons cuz I didn’t know how to use them until a homie told me so it’s possible but they can also be a good tool

  7. The difficulty is what makes the game fun in my opinion, makes it extremely rewarding no matter what item in game you get for it; it’s just so rewarding to finally kill the dancer before vordt as an example.

  8. "UX" isn't there to improve the game, it is there to improve sales. That's where the lie is. UX people delude themselves into thinking "Man, this sure makes it easy for the player to navigate the game and to see our vision"
    That has nothing to do with what UX is there for. It is there to ensure that new players get roped into a franchice so that they will be loyal costumers in the future. To give someone who has never touched an open world rpg before all the information they need (or not) lest they be daunted from the options they have. This is nothing but grating for existing fans who already know all this. The reason why fans are accepting of such "user experience" implementations are down to AAA oversaturating the market. The AAA games on the market are all trying to copy the pokemon formula of ignoring existing fans to rope in new fans. This is a strategy that emerged into prominence well over a decade ago, and has, imo, has lost its utility. ER just proves that.

    The reason being that, in the early-mid 2000's, the loyal fans who would gladly dish out for a sequel numbered in the tens, or maybe hundreds of thousands, yet the potential market were a lot bigger if new players could be drawn in. This started the shitty state of games we have today, where over half of the game's budget is adverticement and the game is tailored more for new players than existing ones. The idea being that fans will buy the game regardless, new players is just more revenue.
    What ER just proved, is that there are enough "fans" or "dedicated" people playing games now that the AAA strategy of continously roping in new players is not necessary anymore. ER can become huge just from the millions of potential players who have been playing these games for well over a decade, and who lust for a game that is willing to offer them new challenges, who doesn't assume they will get lost after 10 minutes unless their character tells them where to next.

    Basically the whole thing is hillarious, especially when the useless UX people get reality pushed in their faces, that their job is nothing but an extention of the adverticement wing and does nothing for the majority of people playing games out there.

  9. i definitely do not think that fromsoft games should have difficulty modes but they should totally have accessibility options. the lack of such options makes it completely impossible for some people to even try to play these games


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