The man who discovered the 'abyss of time' – BBC News

In the 1700s, geologist James Hutton discovered a rock formation in Scotland that transformed how we think about time.

Through studying the rocky headland of Siccar Point, Hutton identified the existence of ‘deep time’ – proving that Earth is millions, not thousands, of years old.

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41 thoughts on “The man who discovered the 'abyss of time' – BBC News”

  1. That gap does not really disprove biblical history either Genesis 1:2 "Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters." – So perhaps that gap was just the delay while the earth cooled? before creation began. It does not really prove much of anything. You can make assumptions that life was created before but without examining those rocks down deep to see if life existed before you just have an idea. I think we make a lot up regarding the formation and the time table of things… but maybe not. 🙂

  2. 9:58 Why overlook the wind farm ? Surely this harnessing of nature will be longer lasting and more important for Scotland – already a world leader in wind energy – than the nuclear power plant?

  3. Earth formed 4000 years only. no doubt about the bible! why can't rocks fall from another planet? so the age on earth and outside defer if formed on the same day also …

  4. Brussels Broadcasting Company (BBC) ?
    1995 population 57.9 million people
    2022 population 67.9 million people
    Liberal & labour open door political system has created ?
    A housing crisis, 6000 properties rented for illegal immigrants?
    BBC promote that white English responsible for all atrocities in world
    NHS meltdown ( new policy colour comes first?)
    NHS managers not doctor’s & nurses, art works not buildings?
    BBC spin every boat full of doctors & nurses ? LOL
    10 million more using gp’s & dentist’s
    Labour and unions trying to bring government down with general strike?
    Crime crisis (rape, thief, grooming gangs not investigated )
    Police only protect MP’s and have arrested 3300 for free speech?
    Grooming gangs ( supposedly it’s a hate crime to criticise ? )
    Power shortage ( when cold this winter thank a green ?)
    Net zero is a joke, price 1 to 3 trillion pounds depending upon how fast the rollout?, 300,000 new engineer’s required ?
    Nhs waiting lists, 10 million reason’s no beds ?
    40 thousand pounds per illegal immigrant average spend ?( estimated cost 3 billion a year ? , that’s a large hospital a year ?)
    High house prices, 10 million reason’s there are no houses ?
    Terror attacks on streets but no police?
    Conservitive party sign us back into EU 2.0 but no referendum ?
    Five million on benefits but somehow we need immigrants?
    Free speech outlawed, even thinking is now a arrest able offence?

  5. Why is everything that humans do, by definition, bad? Come on. Right now, 'we' are exploring leaving Earth and exploring beyond. If we make a permanent station on the Moon or Mars, then it will be made of concrete of some kind (which according to these gentlemen, is bad).

  6. Can someone explain to me while two rocks touching each other (unconformity) proves there was a 60 million year gap? Rocks are made in all kinds of various ways, not all of them involve vast amounts of time. I'm not saying earth has to be 6,000 years old, but I don't really see how this proves it's not. When the flood happened, layers of rock and sand were laid across entire continents. The layers you find in the Grand Canyon are found all over the world. It's rock now, but it only takes a flood to make the layers.

  7. Yeah put that 1 at East Coast AFTER Atomic pollution in Irish Sea… show California Green Party, Cascadia Green Party has to be superior, system.

  8. You should have defined the 3 types of Hutton's unconformities and then show this as the 'angular type unconformity'… also you should state clearly the tectonic uplift and compression (orogen) caused the deformation and erosion of Hutton's unconformity, and loss of 60Ma of Geological record:

    (1) 435Ma Silurian deep marine deposits laid down in the Iapetus Ocean –> (2) these sediments were then folded, uplifted, and rotated as the ancient Iapetus Ocean was destroyed during the Caledonian Orogeny (mountain building collision) where North America + Scotland (aka Laurentia) collided with Western Europe/England (Avalonia/Baltica) –> (3) Later during an extension phase following this Iapetus Suture, the Hutton's angular unconformity was capped by 375Ma Upper Devonian age desert deposits of the Old Red Sandstone rift basins. Lastly, (4) the entire section was tilted again and re-eroded, forming what we see today…

  9. Hmmm these two look like the geologic ‘Proclaimers’
    “But I would walk five hundred miles
    And I would walk five hundred more
    Just to be the man who walked a thousand
    Miles to fall down at Hutton’s unconformity”

  10. Duh!🤦 The Bible does not teach that the universe and earth were created within six 24h days!

    The term "day" is versatile and is used to describe a long time period. Proof is Genesis chapter 2 verse 4 where the entire act of creation (so all 6 "days") is described as one day. So this alone tells us that the days in question aren't meant to be understood as 24h days but as sections or "chapters" in the history of the universe.

    On the other hand the the mentioned 6000 years would be applicable to the age of mankind (Homo sapiens) which is indeed roughly 6000 years!

    Other than that awesome video! Very interesting.

  11. They supposedly perceive the past. The supposed experts. Why?

    What were they doing 3 months ago? The last Tuesday of that month?

    Perspective reveals the LIE that has consumed you. Pride.

    Knowing something is NEVER EVERYTHING. GOD IS THE Only SOURCE.

    The demons, the fallen angels, are vastly more intelligent than any human on Earth. They do NOT have to sleep. Walls and enclosures do NOT impede them at all. Their attack is sensual, thoughts, emotions and spiritual. Their girth is underestimated in this World. The word 'Insidious' can describe them.

    Only a pure human heart [the spiritual one] can see them and their damage done by them.

    i ain't holy. i am an altercation on Earth. A demon with a human body and a human heart. The lower estate called Nephilim. Nephilim were the "men of renown" sent to clean up the muck gained by the fallen ones having intercourse with human daughters. Everyone reads Genesis 6:4 incorrectly. Nephilim were not giants by human stature but by the life carried with that vessel.

  12. in the kimberly region of west australia there is an area that has the oldest continuously exposed rocks on earth almost 3 Billion years… i literally felt time the day the guide told us that


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