THE LATEST: San Antonio shooting leaves 4-year-old girl dead, four family members injured

New details on shooting that left four year old dead, four family members injured on Wednesday night.


42 thoughts on “THE LATEST: San Antonio shooting leaves 4-year-old girl dead, four family members injured”

  1. It's nice that they are using this to promote San Antonio fighting back but these children wasn't doing anything they wasn't supposed to be doing and they wasn't any where they wasn't supposed to be. It's sad that someone would attack a home that has children in it but this is all to common in the city. I had my house shot up twice in one day 4 years ago and it was full of children both times. The shooters wasn't after me or the children that lived in my home they shot my house because of a issue with a little girl that liked my nephew. It's truly sad how people will endanger innocent children I was lucky my family didn't get hurt but my heart goes out to this family. Two of My sisters and my cousin live in this neighborhood all of them have children.

  2. This world is getting sadder and sadder every day, stop the violence in all race. Tired of seeing young children being taken from this world cause of evil people. No matter what race these guys are, they are evil and i hope that lil girl get her justice soon.

  3. Wheres the CONservatives claiming a gun would've saved them? Cons literally don't even know bullets can go thru walls, and ignore the pregnant women who have been shot in the womb on buses, in their houses and everywhere u can imagine. Cons gave criminals UNLIMITED POWER AND TOOK AWAY OUR RIGHT TO DEFEND OURSELVES.

  4. Another shooting leaves a 4-year-old dead and four injured. I cite this story as confirmatory evidence that the second amendment to the US constitution, the prime cause of gun violence, needs to be repealed. Can anyone use reason and evidence rather than bombast and blather to show me why my suspicions are unfounded?


    Silence the second.

  5. Wow that wasn't right come now, you's just vanish some little one life and their family you's wound, wow what going on, that a big Karma you's did, if that was one of my sons I have ask them, what's going on with mind, what did that family did to you, think before you do something wrong that going to end your freedom, now you have to stay in that small room, until your time up, think the damage you did that 25 maybe 8 x 4 =32 that's 57 years, I lost my brother thought that, come on, he didn't get to be by his mother when she passed, that sad that my mother youngest sons, why did you leave us, ever since you left, I been f-Ing worry how you are doing out there, that hurts your present is not here with me, I love you my son, don't you forget that my son, my thoughts are on you and you will always be, just keep in touch i have to hear your voice at least son, love mum

  6. Someone bullies and starves the disabled in SA, so that energy just being returned. Not good for kid but did leadership in SA care about my kids noo. I would move out of SA, probably get worse before it get better~ random thoughts

  7. My heart and prayers go out to the people of San Antonio Texas who have suffered through the years of gun violence. The only thing we can do is protect our loved ones and ourselves and pray for the families of the CRIMINALS who try to cause harm to someone who is prepared to do what is needed to protect there family.


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