The Last Words of Alexander the Great (on this day 10 June 323 BC) #shorts #lastwords #history

“To the strongest.” The last words of Alexander the Great in response to his generals asking the heirless King which one of them would inherit his vast empire. He claimed descent from Achilles, and the Iliad had a special fascination for him; when he crossed the Hellespont he was, in his interpretation, retracing the steps of Achilles; when he conquered Central Asia he was completing the work that his ancestor had begun at Troy. Through all his campaigns he carried with him a copy of the Iliad annotated by Aristotle; often he placed it under his pillow at night beside his dagger, as if to symbolize the instrument and the goal. By the age of 30, Alexander had conquered half of the known world, a territory stretching from Greece to northwestern India. After a heavy drinking match, he caught a fever and took to his bed. The fever raged for ten days, during which Alexander continued to give orders to his army and his fleet. On the eleventh day he died, being in the thirty-third year of his life. Before dying he was asked to whom go his empire, the conqueror replied:

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