The Last of us Part 2 in 2023?!

So I tried The Last of us part 2 again
revisiting the critically acclaimed video game 3 years later. After playing through the game again, I’ve got some thoughts on the game that I wanted to share with you all. I hope you enjoy my thoughts and let me know what you thought of the game in the comments!

This video is a great way to reconnect with the characters of the last of us, and who knows, maybe you’ll even learn a little something along the way!

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Music used:

Longing –

Eye for an Eye –

Desolation –

Collateral –

Allowed to be Happy –

#gaming #thelastofus #tlou

0:00 – Intro
1:24 – Intro Sequence
2:06 – Gameplay
3:29 – Detail
4:50 – Boris The Archer
6:01 – Story
6:34 – Joel
7:44 – Ellie
8:27 – Abby
9:07 – Final words
9:30 – Complaints
10:02 – Outro


19 thoughts on “The Last of us Part 2 in 2023?!”

  1. I recently got both Last of Us games on my PlayStation for my birthday and had played through them during February. I beat the first one which I loved and then started playing Part 2. I don’t know if this was because I had just played the first one non stop and then went right to the second one but I was really bored while playing it and the story didn’t get me as hooked as the first game did. I got to some puzzle and didn’t know how to complete it so I just put the game down thinking I’ll go back to it and I didn’t. Also to where I got in the game I would rate it a 6.5/10.

  2. Thank you for a great video. I loved this game from day one, when I got it for full price (something I usually don’t do). Played it through, skipped most of the cut scenes, and just concentrated on the game play. I went back and played it again, and again, with the scenes. Still loved it. Without the cue scenes, I did not realize Abby was a separate character, until the theater battle.
    For those who hate Abby, I suggest playing that part, and let her get killed, and stop playing (it’s a game) .
    Remastered version will sell, but is not needed.

  3. Joel dying wasn't an issue. It's how he died when he died and that we then had to play as his killer

    Had the first half of the game been all those flashbacks we had with Joel and Ellie and then we had a back and forth of Ellie's story and Abby story leading up to the ending with us having to watch Joel die and then doing the revenge arc for Ellie The pacing would have been better. We would have been more sympathetic to Abby and the game overall would have still been the same but people would have liked it. I'm almost sure of it

  4. I gotta say, It's nice to see people that once disliked/hated Pt. 2 change their views over time. I'm glad you've pointed out how Joel's "Softening" makes sense, as so many people somehow overlook this aspect from the first game. Love that you highlighted the opening scene of Part 2 showing that he's come a long way from his time before Ellie. I agree there's a ton of side characters, but I appreciated them just as much as Bill, Tess, or Marlene. Especially with Dina, Jessie, Lev and Yara.

    Sidenote on Abby's physique… I think it's completly believable. Considering she's "Isaacs top scar killer", the location of the WLF base being a football stadium, packed all the food they could eat (did nobody notice the literal farm(s) with endless crops and cattle on the field inside and outside of the stadium?). Also, her determination to train nonstop, preparing herself to hunt down and kill Joel.

    Sorry for the long comment. TLOU 2 is easily my favorite game.

    Anyways, really enjoyed the video, look forward to more!

  5. In my opinion, the game was alright but had its flaws (ive finished the game multiple times and have platinum so i know what im talking about i believe). Not the flaws everyone thinks with joel dying or being softened up or forcing sympathy with abby. I think those are not bad things about the game and i actually like a lot about it don't get me wrong. Abby's not a bad character, Joel was fine while he lasted and ellie, tommy, dina and her ex were all great along with the graphics and scenery and great depth. I had a problem with other stuff. end of the day lets all understand its just a game made from the creativity of people just like us and we shouldn't get too hung over and be happy with what we got.

    First of all a lot of stuff i feel was really stretched out and forced. I feel like abby stumbling upon joel to kill him and tommy couldve gone a bit better if it flowed better with the game. the way joel gets killed is fine. in a post apocalyptic world, anything can happen in any way possible, but from a writing point of view where everything and everyone is controlled by a group of people and isn't actually real, it was definitely a bit lazy how this sequence was handled. edit: i don't believe joel was a good guy whatsoever and if hes ready to kill people then he should be ready to face consequence for his actions.

    The whole abby kills joel is fine along with ellie wanting revenge for a very long time running father figure. The next problem is making what they're going for clearer. after ellie kills nora, then mel, owen etc. we get a flashback to abby with a 3 day sequence. i dont see how they really expected people to play as joels killer for a good few hours without actually knowing whats going on. it felt like they were trying to have you sympathise with abby by throwing lev in as a character for her development, when its not really about sympathy but understanding no one is really right or wrong but its about ending that cycle of violence, which they should've cleared up. Anyways i dont wanna write too much for now, i think the game was fine with its flaws and i can understand why people dont like it and why people love it. great atmosphere, characters, gameplay and some of the story but could've been better executed.


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