The Last of Us | Episode 9: "Look For The Light" – Spoiler Review

The first season of The Last of Us comes to a close as Joel and Ellie finally find the Fireflies.

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27 thoughts on “The Last of Us | Episode 9: "Look For The Light" – Spoiler Review”

  1. As someone who never played the game, I throughly enjoyed this season. And the scene you are talking about where Joel basically says she healed him, got me. So beautifully portrayed. But after that scene, I knew Joel was not going to let her die. So I agreed with his decision, even though it was selfish.

  2. I side with Joel all the way with zero doubt! as soon as I figured out what they wanted to do I instantly got that rage lol but I agree the quik pace killing montage didn't hit as hard as it could have

  3. I didn’t know the ending. I don’t side with either Marlene or Joel. I think they both should have given Ellie a choice. Be honest with Ellie about the brain surgery and let her make that decision . Ellie ain’t Joel’s daughter. I felt he didn’t truly accept her into his life until last episode .And that his whole personality changed this Epi bc Ellie is his new Sarah. But she ain’t Sarah. She’s Ellie. Her own person

  4. As someone who has never played the game. This show blew away my expectations. Didn't expect to be so invested as I was. Can't wait to see what they do from here and might have to cop a console to play it.

  5. Great finale. I am confused by one thing, if Marlene raised Ellie from birth why don't they have a mother and daughter relationship? Ellie acted like she didn't know who Marlene was during the Riley episode. I thought that was odd. 🤔

  6. I'm new to Last of Us. No game knowledge at all, but overall I really enjoyed the whole series. But, with Joel's decision I believe I would be on his side. Especially because who know if trying the cordysep thing on Ellie would even work or have the outcome Marlene is hoping for.

  7. To me this episode did not hit the level the game hit.
    And that is not to say the episode wasn't great but I think there are some things that could have been delayed even for few seconds or an extra shot that would have maybe got it higher.
    The way Joel shoots down everyone in the hospital never really felt the same as the game.
    And I know you should not compare every single frame to the game and I am not. Its the emotion and empathy I felt for Joel while shooting down the soldiers there.
    The moment Joel says "I don't have time for this" doesn't hit me as hard as the game moment where he also asks about where Ellie is.
    In the game he doesn't know where to go, which makes me feel a lot of tension because you and Joel both don't really know where to go.
    In the show this was the first "fanservice for the sake of it" to me. He already saw where he needed to go and asked anyway. Sure he could ask just be certain but the moment didn't hit the same desperate high of the game version. There he shoots the balls off the guy and asks again. It feels more desperate and it gives you as player the drive to get to Ellie while the soldiers march in to stop you.

    The final "I swear" also went a bit to fast.
    In the game Joel has a small delay and the camera is really close to his face.
    You can almost see him contemplate the implications it is going to have when he says "i swear".
    Here the camera was to far back and he says it to fast.
    Which for the Lying part is fine but the "I don't really believe it" look by Ellie (at least thats how I take that) doesn't match that quick answer by Joel.
    Joel is out of that blind "i must safe Ellie" moment. You see that when he picks up Ellie from the table.
    The face just screams "what am I doing. But i can't go on without here".
    So he knows full well what he is doing after and he is prepared for the consequences of his actions , but telling Ellie the "I swear" lie hits him in the game, to me at least, and less so in the show.

    But thats just how I see it.
    Episode was great though and still give it a 9 for sure out of 10 but personally missed some small things.
    90% of the show was better then the game, but this is the part that wasn't fully up to the task.
    Though this part of the story is soooooooo precise that it is a wonder how Pedro and Bella performed this well.

  8. This is the only episode that felt rushed to me. I didn’t like it. I’ve been watching the show with my family and at the end of the episode, they all said that Joel was in the right and had no problem with what he did. When I played the game, I saw Joel’s decision as a bad thing, even though it’s what I wanted to happen. And I think that’s how the game wants you to feel. But the reason that you feel that way is because of how violent it is and when you get rid of that and just have sad music over an extremely dry shootout it just doesn’t have the same punch. I’ve been defending this show week after week about how little violence there is and I’ve been saying “Oh they’re just saving it so that the final episode is so much more impactful” but that’s not what happened. Pretty big letdown of a final episode in my opinion. Also they never brought back Ellie being unable to swim. Like they foreshadow it in the game and then you have segments where Ellie can’t swim and Joel has to find a way around it. I expected them to have the tunnel scene or the scene with the bridge but nope. Honestly I feel like the show dropped the ball in a lot of ways that I just didn’t want to think about it acknowledge but now that it’s all over I’m starting to see more and more flaws.

  9. As much as i appreciate the show and Pedro, nothing compares to Troy Bakers performance performance!!! The show got it wrong. I as joell killed everyone in operating room!!

  10. I’m going to say something that could piss a lot of people off but too bad it’s what I really think…. This series was a effeminate version of the last of us in so many ways. Literally it’s what they wanted to stand out over everything. A 100% character driven story which is powerful but not ……….not much else….. they put that in the forefront and watered down everything else that could have been there too as if it was going to make it worse which it wouldn’t have I don’t think. On top of that I think this show was a little too much of this sort of people pleaser I’m sensing. It just didn’t have that punch in the face impression I got the first time I played the game

  11. I think the explanation of how Ellie is immune changes the morality a little. Without that explanation the natural assumption is a natural genetic mutation.

    This means that while Ellie might be unique at that time she wont remain that way. Others will develop that same immunity in time. However the fact she got it essentially the same way as Blade means she is unique.

    Joel's decision doomed humanity indefinitely.

  12. 🥴”not enough violence and action and mayhem”- Every game players gripe with this show.
    They don’t always admit it, but it’s pretty clear considering how universally loved this show has been… and how faithful to the game it is. So there’s really no other reason to dislike the show. (So be careful you don’t end up on a watch list for your need to watch violence comments) Would 1 more action sequence against infected be great? Sure, but I don’t need it. This was one of the very best seasons of any show I’ve seen in a long time. I’ve never been more invested and moved by a relationship between 2 characters since maybe Walt and Jesse in Breaking Bad, which took several seasons before it really reached that point. The Last of Us season 1 is an incredible achievement that deserves to be celebrated and not criticized for simply being less (unrealistically) violent than the source material.

  13. First time they REALLY disappointed this season was the hospital scene tbh. It was literally the shortest episode of the season too it’s not like they couldn’t have stretched it out like 10-20 minutes to make it way more epic.

  14. I don't have children myself but I know that if I did I would side with Joel without hesitation.

    They did a great job adapting the game 2 live action and even added in some interesting elements that weren't in the game.

    My two biggest issues were the last two episodes though.

    I feel like they rushed the second to last episode. There was more than enough material to flush that out for two episodes. I feel the same about the final episode. There was enough material to extend that to an additional episode.

    All-in-all do the best video game adaptation I think I've ever seen.

    I give it a 4.5/5


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