The Last of Us Episode 1 Recap Breakdown Review

#tyandthatguy #spoilers #TheLastOfUs #hbomax
Ty Franck (acclaimed writer / one half of James S.A. Corey) and Wes Chatham (‘Amos Burton’ on The Expanse) kick off this series where they recap The Last of Us episodes with Episode 1 where they breakdown the show as well as go into detail background info on the game.

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37 thoughts on “The Last of Us Episode 1 Recap Breakdown Review”

  1. Another shout out to Paul Stamets. I heard about him listening to the audiobook "Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures" by Merlin Sheldrake. I really hope Danial Abraham has read/heard it as well.
    The character in Star Trek discovery is named Stamets after him. That "Planet Earth" episode with the ants and cordyceps was mind-blowing…especially since it was the first Blu-Ray best selling title.

  2. Wes better be careful, if he keeps doing the intros with that sexy rasp Ty’s gonna end up pregnant🥵🤣 But seriously, I’m thrilled you two are reviewing The Last of Us. I had initially wanted you to do something like this for the Willow series but it turned out shite whereas TLOUS is S-tier. I’m curious to hear what you think of the production (i.e. sets, cgi, clickers vs Protomolecule, etc.)

  3. Top 5 zombie power rankings next episode I hope, 28 x later zombies may become dethroned! I am so happy to have another big HBO epic to watch on sundays and you guys covering it is a big bonus.

  4. 2:30 Except movies and TV shows are not interactive. You have to consume them passively. They are already cooked. In the game, you literally have the characters in your hands. You are the characters. You are the one shooting people and getting shot at. That's why you start playing as Sarah. The game is not "as good" as a movie, it's more than a movie.

  5. Way, way back when this was barely announced I tweeted Craig Mazin and told him to cast Bella Ramsey and Wes Chatham as Ellie and Joel. He had replied to my tweets in the past so I’m sure he saw it, and I KNOW I was the first person to tweet those names to him (I checked with advanced search). When Bella was cast I suspected I might have played a small part. I wondered if Wes ever got a call about it 😂

  6. 37:15 Actually, most of the deaths in the 1918 epidemic were due to bacterial infections. And some people don't forget. They fund gain of function research to make the disease deadlier, more transmissible, and they teach it to jump species.

  7. 27:14 This discussion reminds me that Ty and Wes might really appreciate the novel/series Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky – It regards a human-engineered virus designed to accelerate evolution, but being exposed to unintentional subjects. The characterization of lifeforms familiar to us as the readers, literally experiencing the spark of an accelerated evolution is nothing short of magnificent and utterly fascinating. Special shoutout to the second book in the series, Children of Ruin , which I was also totally engrossed in.

  8. A science fiction film in a similar vein (although parasitic rather than fungal) which you may be interested in, and which i think is amazing, is Upstream Color (2013).

  9. So the game came out in 2013, which is why the game started then. The show came out in 2023, which is why the prologue started in 2003, so that 20 years could pass and pick up in the current year.

  10. Solid pivot now that The Expanse episodes are almost over. I don't know the future of this podcast but I love the fact that you guys are figuring out ways to keep on talking about shit together.

  11. By that time all of the 3 mass effects were out (btw by itself it is a mix of pretty much of all sci-fi tropes and deserves a separate topic). And it was cinematic and the the story had actual CHOICES which mattered at least till the final 30 mins of the game. Last of us is too much 'on rails' for my taste.

  12. As a huge fan of the games and the fact the show is filmed in my hometown city of Calgary I was heavily anticipating it's release. Had the chance to explore behind the scenes while they were filming. The downtown bridge scene in the second episode freaked me out as it was made up of heavily altered shots of the community of Bridgeland where I once lived. I can tell you from the sets and locations we toured the series does deviate from the original game so don't expect a straight across carryover in that regard however it was obvious from the beginning was no expense was spared on Sony Pictures and HBO's part towards design and production value. Everything I've seen supports refined changes throughout. Expect nothing short of an improvement beyond the game storylines but for you hardcore game fans out there keep an open mind to new and open possibilities. Scripting is planned to shift into the second game at some point and the series ending has already been written. It's been discussed they'll be shooting a minimum of 5 seasons. Likely more but impossible to say this far out. The producer has made it public "he doesn't intend to drag the show out and doesn't believe in loose endings" so expect an epic conclusion when it eventually wraps. Overall super excited for the series and the show in general, stay tuned.

  13. I have never played the game personally. However, Pedro Pascal is an amazing actor, so I gave it a shot. The first cold open was terrifying! I was instantly hooked. The second cold open is is even more chilling.

  14. I SO agree that as soon as I heard that Craig Mazin was involved I was sold. I loved Chernobyl to death – even read the screenplay. SO well written. And thanks for the book tip. Downloaded it to Audible.

  15. If you guys are into mind altering organisms, look into Toxoplasma gondii
    . It's a microorganism that makes rats attracted to cats so they will get eaten and it can complete it's life cycle in the stomach of cats. And… it's also infected a huge number of human beings. Estimates of infection go between 11% and 60% in different countries. Ever wonder about that crazy cat lady with 30 cats? Nothing confirmed, but it makes me wonder.


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