The Last of Us 3×3 | Long, Long Time | Did It Make Me Cry?

Romance author Anna Alexander watches and reacts to episode three of the series The Last of Us. Watch all the reactions to this …


35 thoughts on “The Last of Us 3×3 | Long, Long Time | Did It Make Me Cry?”

  1. Lol, I always cry at the death scene in Baron Munchausen, and once you know the film it’s not even a sad scene, but I do anyway. And also I’m allegedly an adult, but whatever.

  2. Ok … I've watched this series several times now, really love it, but you found one of the very few points that caught a bit in the throat of my mind as it went down – all those crushed pills in that glass of wine would have been like drinking mud. 😂

    … other than that, even Ellie going down into the basement of the store didn't bother me because, no, even now they don't teach self preservation in schools, and if they did, kids wouldn't listen 🤷

    … i was able to suspend my disbelief over the fact that there aren't mountains like those in the background 10 miles out of Boston … Canada was cheaper, i guess

  3. 7:46 think about the first episode and how many opportunities Joel almost had to get infected by eating food made with contaminated flour. he didn't take the biscuits from the neighbor. he didn't get the birthday cake he was supposed to get. he was very lucky, in a way

  4. 23:50 I always think it's funny when people think Bill got shot because Frank distracted him. He was standing out in the open and was shot at, so he was completly at the mercy of his opponents ability to aim properly. No amount of concentration could have saved him.

  5. I watched this episode when it first came out and it still lingers in my mind, I loved everything about it. I think its also very much a mirror for Joel and Ellie and what Joel will decide to do with letting someone in or not.

  6. According to the showrunner, Frank had a neuromuscular degenerative disease, like MS or ALS. You can see the fairly rapid onset in the painting he was working on. Also, the entire series was filmed in Alberta, Canada.

  7. Yup, one of the themes in this show is the difference between surviving and living. It’s really not a zombie/ monster show. It certainly has genre elements and some set pieces, but probably fewer than you’d expect. The story is really about relationships, focusing on our two main characters, but we’ll also see that among others.

  8. ANNA – TLOU! Thank goodness!
    As always… you took away / understood the beats of a good story. And as sad as this is… Bill and Frank led their best possible lives in this broken world. Welcome to an epic story that you… as a storyteller… will thoroughly appreciate.

  9. @Anna Alexander In the game they start off good. Then drift apart. Joel and Ellie show up. They go looking for supplies. Find Franks body, he hung himself. He got bitten. He left a letter for Bill. Basically saying he hated him….. Dont expect to see any zombies until they fat lady shows up. Then thats about it. Cross the country, see handful of zombies. So scary!?

  10. OK, time for the controversial take: this episode was just Emmy bait, and I would have rather spent most of it with Ellie and Joel. I understand that Frank and Bill was supposed to sort of be a mirror of the main characters to further examine their relationship, but a better way to examine their relationship is to (gasp) spend more time with ACTUAL Joel and ACTUAL Ellie. It's well done, but with such a limited episode count, shunting the main characters off to the side for nearly a full episode feels wasteful.

  11. Buckle up Anna. It's balls to the wall for the next six episodes. Be prepared to be shocked, saddened, cry, and most of all linger in this world. It's an amazing series and I can't wait for you to get to the rest of it. I need you to get to all of them now! Yeah, I'm like that. Great reaction. Thank you.

  12. Glad you let it out. I was about to ask, is your heart made of ice, woman!? 😂
    Nice to hear your thought process at the end. I’d say I’ve watched a few dozen reactions to this episode and I still love finding new ones and listening to what people think about it.

  13. this is every doomsday prepper's perfect fantasy: not only do you get to be proven right when society collapses and everyone you hate and called you crazy dies, having your soulmate drop in (literally) is the absolute cherry on top. despite all your prep, you still had a big hole in your life. frank filled it.


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