The last Humans | Part 1

“The last Humans” plunges you into a universe where humanity stands accused and condemned.

The Veritans, galactic arbitrators, are tasked with a grim duty to erase humanity from existence, ensuring cosmic harmony. A thousand years after the cull began, whispers of surviving humans propel the Veritans into a chase across uncharted space.

As they confront their haunting past, questions arise – Are these last humans a threat or a testament to resilience? An ethereal, morally complex, and gripping journey awaits in this cosmic thriller, forcing you to question the nature of justice and survival.

Witness the thrilling chase, feel the heavy burden of duty, and delve into the mystery of the surviving humans in this riveting sci-fi saga.

Credits: Story by DM

#scifi #humansarespaceorcs #shortstory


9 thoughts on “The last Humans | Part 1”

  1. Good story, I liked it. However, the pace is too quick, way too quick. it's like every sentences is pushing on the one that preceeds it. The narrative, expression is good. just the pace that needs to slow down a bit. Let each sentence sink in before the next. Overall, the story felt rushed, as if it wanted to be done before even starting.


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