The Last Airbender: An Abomination

Long ago, a director tried to adapt a popular cartoon. There were no survivors.

Avatar as a franchise was forever haunted. Many chose to forget. But not me. I chose to suffer.



29 thoughts on “The Last Airbender: An Abomination”

  1. The sad part is that the Netflix show doesn't really deserve all the hate it's getting, at least it's getting the atmosphere of the original show, ATLA cannot be replicated perfectly in live action by its very nature, but at least Netflix is doing a serious and conscious attempt.

  2. You know, I'll give the movie this: it's an absolute ass movie, but it showed me that Dragonball Evolution could have been so much worse. That movie is still ass, but I could at least get some entertainment from laughing at how bad it as both a movie and adaption. This movie on the other hand bored me to such an extent that I actually fell asleep while watching it in theaters.

  3. And then there are those smoothbrained people who unironically say the Netflix live action is better because it isn't a cartoon. I kid you not, I couldn't believe such a stupid "reasoning".

  4. Honestly having the nations be certain races just seems.. natural for the setting. Obviously the water tribe were their own people as much as the fire, earth or air benders.

  5. There's something I absolutely love about the idea of the big bad of the entire movie – someone that wants to kill everyone and take over the world – being some pissed off dude that just doesn't care is so funny to me simply from how it's described here

  6. A Yankee fan, this is true. 4:35 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅

    The fact that we are mentioning Giancarlo Stanton in an avatar movie video says a lot about how sorry we truly are! 😂😂😂

  7. 9:32 mate that’s not your theory – that’s what he said verbatim haha. Anyways it’s always been a bit of a lie IMO. A rabbit hole I’ve traversed many times is how it’s always sunny does this thing where they court writers/directors/actors for collaborations from time to time . You can distinctly follow the events eg the gang buys a boat and heavy use of licensing of one of the most expensive and sampled songs in history then feature an episode with P Diddy which I’m sure he negotiated for a waived fee of said sample which he leveraged into his film role he’s was vying for in a Costner movie. Or Del Toro’s appearance as an unrecognizable character, his writing credit, and Charlie Day’s time on pacific rim. Also Jason Sudeikis via Charlie day and horrible bosses. It’s actually pretty interesting how closely the pattern follows.

    Point is, there’s this weirdly M Night heavily referenced episode, Mac and Charlie write a movie, where I was confident there was a reason and figured they wanted M Night. They didn’t get him but turns out the random ass actor in that episode who crushed it had a plot point where they stress he’s Pakistani and thus can write a twist. At the time he was in the final running for Dev Patel’s role as Zuko as of the reporting of the screenings of the time for the character. He also was considered for the lead Slumdog Role. He’s actually a very good actor too. But Clearly he had a type in mind bc those one-off little live wire articles are usually fluff pieces to float ideas so you know it was legit there was a type M Night had in mind for that role. If not, it’s incredibly coincidental zuko had two very very strong actors who had Indian decent as lead.

  8. I hate the movie as much as everyone else, but the pronouniation of the names is like this also in the cartoon in every language except English, because the names' origin is asian and that's how those names are actually pronounced.


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