The Kingdom Hearts 3 Enemy Compendium

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Outro music by Nora Q. Rosa!

Spreadsheet of KH3 enemies:

00:00 – Intro
02:30 – Shadow
03:23 – Neoshadow
04:20 – Fluttering
05:16 – Flame Core
06:12 – Water Core
07:25 – Earth Core
09:18 – Soldier
10:00 – High Soldier
10:46 – Air Soldier
11:34 – Large Body
12:25 – Helmed Body
13:14 – Vermilion Samba
14:20 – Marine Rumba
15:04 – Gold Beat
15:48 – Malachite Bolero
16:35 – Popcat
17:31 – Dropcats
18:23 – Bizarre Archer
19:00 – Rock Troll
20:30 – Metal Troll
21:02 – Satyr
21:54 – Mechanitaur
22:28 – Toy Trooper & Gigas
24:47 – Marionette & Possessed Toys
27:56 – Powerwild
29:00 – Pogo Shovel
30:15 – Parasol Beauty
31:10 – Puffball
31:54 – Chief Puff
33:00 – Chaos Carriage
34:00 – Winterhorn
34:42 – Frost Serpent
35:48 – Vaporfly
36:28 – Sea Sprite
37:52 – Spear Lizard
38:53 – Anchor Raider
39:40 – Tireblade
40:30 – Demon Tower
41:28 – Cherry Flan
42:42 – Strawberry Flan
43:30 – Orange Flan
44:46 – Banana Flan
45:33 – Grape Flan
46:19 – Honeydew Flan
47:16 – Watermelon Flan
48:01 – Dusk
48:44 – Sniper
49:29 – Reaper
50:32 – Ninja
51:33 – Gambler
52:11 – Berserker
53:34 – Sorcerer
54:33 – Flood
55:14 – Flowersnake
56:24 – Turtletoad
57:28 – Spiked Turtletoad
58:25 – Outro

Music used (in order):

“Shipmeisters’ Shanty -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-” from Kingdom Hearts III (2019)
“Sky of Wonder” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Dive into the Heart -Destati- (Third Inception)” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Night of Fate” from Kingdom Hearts (2002)
“Swingin’ Free” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Hero’s Fanfare” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Robot Overdrive” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Techno Syndrome” by The Immortals (1993)
“Miracle on Ice” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Toy Box Jam” from Kingdom Hearts III
“The Encounter” from Kingdom Hearts II (2005)
“The Encounter -Metal Charge-” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Go for It! -Into the Clouds-” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Working Together -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Monster Smash!” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Rowdy Rumble -The Crazy Carriage-” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Flags of Fury” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Eye of the Storm” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Go! Go! Rumble Racer -Pudding Grand Prix-” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Flantastic Fight” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Say Cheese!” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Tension Rising -Reaper’s Revenge-” from Kingdom Hearts III
“Miracle on Ice -Eternal Winter-” from Kingdom Hearts III
“A Pirate’s Freedom” from Kingdom Hearts III


42 thoughts on “The Kingdom Hearts 3 Enemy Compendium”

  1. Minor corrections: The Air Soldier section's voiceover says 6% for Lucid Stones, but the on-screen 4% is correct. The Mechanitaur section should have 12% listed for Wellspring Gems, not 8% for Stones, and the Toy Trooper should read Wellspring Shards, not Stones. My bad on these, there was a lot of text I had to sift through and organize

    Spreadsheet with all enemies and their drops here:

  2. This is probably some kind of Mandela Effect but am i the only one who remembers kingdom of corona having a different name on release? I swear it had a different name and the name was changed during an update. Am i going mad? Im probably going mad.

  3. I love that the titles of these have slowly gotten less specific. First, "Heartless Compendium" then it's like "Oh, alright, Heartless AND Nobody Compendium" and now it's just "Fine, whatever, who cares. It's all the enemies now, screw it, Enemy Compendium."

  4. Just FYI, I’m gonna be referring to you as PopPat from now on.

    Glad to see this video finally released; another excellent compendium! As always, your delightfully wry wit makes me chuckle and brings a ray of sunshine into my ever more stressful and busy life. You continue to be an inspiration to me and my mewling infant of a channel. Really happy to see you continuing to accrue more subscribers, views, etc, and achieve greater degrees of success!

  5. 29:00 I love the continuity between the pogo shovel in this video and the driller mole in the kh2 compendium video joke! Love the jokes and wonderful narrating and script writing you have in your videos! Keep up the great work Regular Pat!

  6. At this point i don't even care about the kh3 enemy compendium. I just love hearing Pat's voice and supporting his channel. It doesn't matter what the video is about

  7. Great Compendium, There are some Elemental reaction/Trivia you miss.
    – Earth Core's Moving sand is immune to physical attack, but elemental magic can hit and stop its sand coat.
    – Large Body/Helmed Body red berserk mode can be dispel by Ice element attack.
    – Hitting elemental weakness on Prismatic Melodies will destroy their sigil, delay their attacks
    – Pole Cannon will get stun paralysis when in Shock status effect.
    – Winterhorn's Ice horn can be destroy with Fire attack, which I think make them unable to use Air Assault, and funnily enough, use Ice element on it restore its horns back.
    – Dusk and Reaper has Revenge Value like Humanoid boss, that's how they break out of combo. But in Dusk case, only Physical attack add to RV, Elemental and even Non-Element magic attack will add 0 RV, so you can combo them comfortably with Magic, Blizzard Claw/Blade, Shileds, etc.
    – Ninja will only use Reverse Thunder when there are 2 or less Ninja left on the field.

  8. If you look closely, you can see that the berserker doesn't actually ever attack you, he is attached to his hammer, and gets flung around whenever the hammer itself moves and attacks. It's honestly pretty unnerving once you notice, since the nobody itself is almost completely lifeless, as if exhausted from being forced to obey the berserking claymore. Interesting design detail that I learned from Janice Dublin Animation.

  9. fun fact! when they were revealed, reapers were the only high ranking nobody with no corresponding final fantasy job! this was retroactively fixed when final fantasy 14 added reaper as a job which obviously also used a scythe!

  10. To this day, I still cannot understand why they don't have a more apparent method of displaying elemental weaknesses, despite how simple it would be to implement it. One other good reason why it's necessary is because most of the enemies in KH games don't have an appearance that makes it obvious what harmful to them; i.e. I would have never guessed that Soldiers are weak against Blizzard just by looking at them.

    Anyway the conditions to seeing them would be to either defeat said enemy or hit them with whatever elements they're weak/strong against.

    I'm pretty sure this would encourage players to actually make use of their spells instead of just wasting their MP on Cure 😢

  11. Yeah, I think this’ll be very useful to me somewhat soon…depending on how quickly I can finish 100%ing Birth By Sleep (about to see how much trouble the superbosses will give me). I mainly felt the KH bug for 2.5 recently, but I figured I might as well give 3 another shot once I’m done.

    This info will especially be useful because Limitcut just killed my last run dead. How was I supposed to know I needed to do ALL my grinding before even reaching the new Data Organization XIII? And sure, I kept my base file, but no I was not playing through Re:Mind again just to come back more prepared. Better to start a new run later on knowing I have to do that, and now that might happen soon.

  12. Part of me wishes you’d do this for Birth By Sleep and Dream Drop Distance, too. However, I know you hate DDD (one of the only KH opinions we DON’T share) and the synth material side in BBS is kinda shot as the crystals work differently and are generally more abundant due to having less types.


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