The Junker Queen Experience in Overwatch 2

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00:00 Intro
01:36 Junker Queen Hero Review
03:09 Support Buffs Are Needed!
06:02 Junker Queen Gameplay Tips

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28 thoughts on “The Junker Queen Experience in Overwatch 2”

  1. I am just worried new tanks are becoming every role combined, I am ok with they are just a dps with tons of health, but when they can use speed boost and a mini Lucio ult and the cool down is 1s less than speed boost/amp it up (commanding shout cooldown = 11s, amp it up cooldown = 12s), when they also have support abilities that affects the whole team, they are essentially another support and the whole game is going to slow down because everything will be harder to kill and it's exactly the reason why everyone hates double shield.

  2. How to win in OW2

    1) Pick Ana
    2) press a button every time the enemy tank wants to play the game

    Seriously, it's just free wins. Supports are OPAF, they're just not super interesting to play right now.

  3. I got into the beta on Xbox One and I am really enjoying it so far and from my experience I have been having more issues from Sojourn rather than from the Queen, although sometimes it feels like Junker Queen is unkillable. Sojourn's damage is very high not just because of the railgun but her regular damage and the vortex ability, although that could just be me and maybe its because I play in open queue most of the time. I don't care for winning or having a set team comp I'm just having a blast playing it whether I win or lose.

  4. Game’s still in beta. Queue times are because Supports don’t have the new toys. The next 2 of 3 heroes are going to be Support. This is a test. This is only a test. Trying to analyze anything from it it futile. Have fun until release.

  5. Honestly dissapointing to see such hype around a game thats no different from the original, both have horrible matchmaking, overpowered heroes and a toxic community

  6. Something that always annoys me is when people demand I use an ability just because I have it off cooldown. Why use it "because you said so" when I can wait for the next big team push to use it to get us through?

  7. Been loving the beta! Just this morning I got a 5K with Junker Queen.

    As a tank player I’m loving the new hero and I want to spend more time with the re works but I’m finding it’s easier to get in games quicker with support

    Haven’t touched DPS at all, but loving the buffed Zen. He makes the biggest impact right now on the support role.

  8. The only thing I gotta say is they gotta NERF sojourn. Every game I play she is a vital dps who completely voids the point of having a soldier, Cassidy or ash. Her accuracy is insane with zero recoil. Damage out put and railgun shots can literally melt anyone. On top of that her slide + jump can escape possibly any ult. It’s just too much power for one character


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