The Issues Plaguing New World are getting Worse. Where is the Communication?


17 thoughts on “The Issues Plaguing New World are getting Worse. Where is the Communication?”

  1. Can not confirm but I heard with Steams Friends and Family settings you can create a family account and even if it gets banned your main account doesn't and can just create another family account for free.

  2. with 560 hours in about 1 month after release you can’t be objective… and yes the bugs are bad, but i bet you had good fun in your 560 hours for around 50$. So being objective means your 50$ were spent well. Creating a MMO from the scratch isnt a easy thing to do i gues.

  3. already stopped playing, see so many people using the same weapons (2h hammer/axe – fire/ice) – every one uses same abilities, not getting any xp from a person you killed even tho he can spawn at a camp fire and repeat harass you. game breaking bugs. see no point in hitting 60 because nothing changes.

    Really want to play with my rl friend but they are so far ahead of me and will get next to nothing if they help me with dungeons.

  4. I reached my limit today. The one thing that almost seemed fun was Outpost Rush, but with all the exploits people use because they know they won’t get banned, combined with 90% of people just running heavy armor, life staff and hammer, even Outpost Rush feels like trash. I uninstalled and will check back in a few months.


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