The Isle Evrima – A Sibling For Life – Update 6 – Pachycephalosaurus

we had an awesome session. we got an egg and had a nice family which quickly faded away. but, one sibling stood by our side …


30 thoughts on “The Isle Evrima – A Sibling For Life – Update 6 – Pachycephalosaurus”

  1. this is probably among one of my favorite videos of yours of all time, from hatchling to adult with a sweet family, developing a lil herd with your sister, feeding and later reuniting with a babu you took care of, growing your herd and then fighting alongside them in the most epic battle to the death, and not only did you win but EVERYONE survived 😀 11/10 loved this to bits <3

  2. Man gotta love you when you come across people like this in the isle, it’s always a hidden beautiful gem in the game when you meet people like that
    Was great watching your video, brilliant as always!

  3. Super Show! Meine Versuche, mit Kopfstoss Kokosnüsse zu ernten waren bisher erfolglos.
    Great show! My attempts to headbutt to harvest coconuts have so far been unsuccessful.


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