The Island on Bird Street (War) Full Length Movie

Awards winning film about Alex is an 11-year old boy who, during WWII ,hides in the ruins of the Jewish ghetto from Nazis after his father and all his relatives have been sent to the concentration camp. The movie portrays the ghetto through his eyes.

Director: Soren Kragh Jacobsen
Cast: Patrick Bergin, Jordan Kizuik, Jack Warden
Drama, War
Full Length Movie


45 thoughts on “The Island on Bird Street (War) Full Length Movie”

  1. Bombed out buildings , people living in fear , ghettos …… Identical to GAZA today …… The oppressed have become the OPPRESSORS……. And they said never again…….. Like then the world ignores it and looks away . When it suits them they have short memories.

  2. Et oui! Le 07/10/2023 les nazis islamistes sont revenus. J'espère que l'armée d'Israël va les détruire, celà peut aussi nous arriver en Europe ou ailleurs car les frères musulmans sont partout, durant la guerre ils étaient aux côtés des nazis allemands .

  3. С 1948 года сионисты много раз совершали то, что нацисты совершили против палестинского народа. Нацистов считают ангелами по сравнению с сионистскими отбросами.

  4. Wow…what movie!
    I am a survivor too. I was a 13 year old during the Khmer Rouge regime.
    We had to live with them for from 1975 to 1979.
    I’m in America now.
    I deeply thank God every breath I take.


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